Researchers at School of Education

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Photo Researcher Organisational Units
Dr Suraiya Abdul Hameed Dr Suraiya Abdul Hameed School of Education
Dr Danielle Armour Dr Danielle Armour School of Education
Emeritus Professor Adrian Ashman Emeritus Professor Adrian Ashman School of Education
Associate Professor Levon Blue Associate Professor Levon Blue Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Engagement) School of Education
Associate Professor Helen Boon Associate Professor Helen Boon School of Education
Dr Julie Majella Bower Dr Julie Majella Bower School of Education
No image Mrs Brianna Bright School of Education
No image Professor Tracey Bunda Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Indigenous Engagement) | School of Education
No image Mrs Rochelle Burton School of Education
No image Emeritus Professor Eileen Byrne School of Education
Adjunct Professor Jeffrey Chan Adjunct Professor Jeffrey Chan School of Education
Honorary Professor Pamela Christie Honorary Professor Pamela Christie School of Education
Dr Monica Cuskelly Dr Monica Cuskelly School of Education
Associate Professor Gloria Dall'Alba Associate Professor Gloria Dall'Alba School of Education
Associate Professor Elizabeth Edwards Associate Professor Elizabeth Edwards School of Education
Dr John Elfick Dr John Elfick School of Education
Emeritus Professor John Elkins Emeritus Professor John Elkins School of Education
Professor Rhonda Faragher Professor Rhonda Faragher School of Education
Dr David Fryer Dr David Fryer School of Education
Emeritus Professor Peter Galbraith Emeritus Professor Peter Galbraith School of Education
Emeritus Professor Robert Gilbert Emeritus Professor Robert Gilbert School of Education
Professor Robyn Gillies Professor Robyn Gillies School of Education
Honorary Professor Merrilyn Goos Honorary Professor Merrilyn Goos School of Education
Dr Christina Gowlett Dr Christina Gowlett School of Education
Associate Professor Obaid Hamid Associate Professor Obaid Hamid School of Education School of Languages and Cultures
Associate Professor Ian Hardy Associate Professor Ian Hardy School of Education
Dr Stephen Heimans Dr Stephen Heimans School of Education
Dr Anne Jobling Dr Anne Jobling School of Education
Dr Hassan Khosravi Dr Hassan Khosravi Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation School of Education
Professor Gwendolyn Lawrie Professor Gwendolyn Lawrie School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences | School of Education
Emeritus Professor Bob Lingard Emeritus Professor Bob Lingard School of Education
Associate Professor Jason Lodge Associate Professor Jason Lodge School of Education | Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Dr Liz Mackinlay Dr Liz Mackinlay School of Education
Dr Stephanie Macmahon Dr Stephanie Macmahon School of Education
Dr Kathleen Mahon Dr Kathleen Mahon Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation | School of Education
Professor Katie Makar Professor Katie Makar School of Education
Dr Catherine Manathunga Dr Catherine Manathunga School of Education
Professor Kelly Matthews Professor Kelly Matthews Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation | Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) | School of Education | Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
No image Honorary Professor Diane Mayer School of Education
Dr Kate McLay Dr Kate McLay School of Education
Dr Mary McMahon Dr Mary McMahon School of Education
Associate Professor Jodie Miller Associate Professor Jodie Miller School of Education
Honorary Professor Martin Mills Honorary Professor Martin Mills School of Education
Associate Professor Carmen Mills Associate Professor Carmen Mills School of Education
Dr Karen Moni Dr Karen Moni School of Education
Emeritus Professor Tisha Morrell Emeritus Professor Tisha Morrell School of Education
Professor Karen Nankervis Professor Karen Nankervis School of Education
Dr Louise Phillips Dr Louise Phillips School of Education
Adjunct Professor John Pitman Adjunct Professor John Pitman School of Education
Associate Professor Shiralee Poed Associate Professor Shiralee Poed School of Education
Adjunct Professor Colin Power Adjunct Professor Colin Power School of Education
Emeritus Professor Peter Renshaw Emeritus Professor Peter Renshaw School of Education
Dr Vicente Reyes Dr Vicente Reyes School of Education
Dr Emily Ross Dr Emily Ross School of Education
Dr Rob Rouse Dr Rob Rouse School of Education
Dr Amy Rouse Dr Amy Rouse School of Education
Associate Professor Marnee Shay Associate Professor Marnee Shay School of Education
Dr Ravinder Sidhu Dr Ravinder Sidhu School of Education
Associate Professor Christine Slade Associate Professor Christine Slade Institute for Teaching and Learning Innovation | School of Education
Dr Simone Smala Dr Simone Smala School of Education
Dr Garth Stahl Dr Garth Stahl School of Education
Dr Caroline Steel Dr Caroline Steel School of Education
Honorary Professor Robert Stevenson Honorary Professor Robert Stevenson School of Education
Dr Damon Thomas Dr Damon Thomas School of Education
Dr Ron Tooth Dr Ron Tooth School of Education
Dr Maria Vassos Dr Maria Vassos School of Education
Dr Jana Visnovska Dr Jana Visnovska School of Education
Honorary Professor Mark Watson Honorary Professor Mark Watson School of Education