Researchers in Language and Linguistics

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Photo Researcher Organisational Units
Dr Rebecca Armstrong Dr Rebecca Armstrong School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Associate Professor Stefanie Becker Associate Professor Stefanie Becker School of Psychology
Dr Bena Brown Dr Bena Brown School of Public Health
Dr Sonia Brownsett Dr Sonia Brownsett School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
No image Dr Ashley Cameron School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Dr Melody Chang Dr Melody Chang School of Languages and Cultures
No image Dr Andrew Collins School of Historical and Philosophical Inquiry
Professor David Copland Professor David Copland School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences | Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
No image Dr Peter Cowley School of Languages and Cultures
Associate Professor Peter Crosthwaite Associate Professor Peter Crosthwaite School of Languages and Cultures
Professor Piers Dawes Professor Piers Dawes School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Dr Samantha Disbray Dr Samantha Disbray School of Languages and Cultures
Associate Professor Carlie Driscoll Associate Professor Carlie Driscoll School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Dr Katrina Dunn Dr Katrina Dunn School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Dr Hannah Filmer Dr Hannah Filmer School of Psychology
No image Dr Ben Foley School of Languages and Cultures
Dr Lucy Fraser Dr Lucy Fraser School of Languages and Cultures
No image Associate Professor Zane Goebel School of Languages and Cultures
Professor Greg Hainge Professor Greg Hainge School of Languages and Cultures | Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences | Office of the Vice-Chancellor Finance and Business Services
Associate Professor Obaid Hamid Associate Professor Obaid Hamid School of Education School of Languages and Cultures
Dr Barbara Hanna Dr Barbara Hanna School of Languages and Cultures
Dr Joe Hardwick Dr Joe Hardwick School of Languages and Cultures
Associate Professor Ian Hardy Associate Professor Ian Hardy School of Education
No image Dr Anthony Harris Queensland Brain Institute
Professor Michael Haugh Professor Michael Haugh School of Languages and Cultures
Associate Professor David Hewett Associate Professor David Hewett Princess Alexandra Hospital Southside Clinical Unit
Associate Professor Amy Hubbell Associate Professor Amy Hubbell School of Languages and Cultures | Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Dr Noriko Iwashita Dr Noriko Iwashita School of Languages and Cultures
Dr Min Jung Jee Dr Min Jung Jee School of Languages and Cultures
Dr Wendy Jiang Dr Wendy Jiang School of Languages and Cultures
Associate Professor Joseph Kei Associate Professor Joseph Kei School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Associate Professor Asaduzzaman Khan Associate Professor Asaduzzaman Khan School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Dr Narah Lee Dr Narah Lee School of Languages and Cultures
Dr Sheng-hsun Lee Dr Sheng-hsun Lee School of Languages and Cultures
Dr Jeanne Marshall Dr Jeanne Marshall School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Professor Felicity Meakins Professor Felicity Meakins School of Languages and Cultures
Dr Anna Mikhaylova Dr Anna Mikhaylova School of Languages and Cultures
No image Dr Sanako Mitsugi School of Languages and Cultures
Dr Karen Moni Dr Karen Moni School of Education
Dr Paul Moore Dr Paul Moore School of Languages and Cultures
Emeritus Professor John Moorhead Emeritus Professor John Moorhead School of Historical and Philosophical Inquiry
Professor Ilana Mushin Professor Ilana Mushin School of Languages and Cultures
Dr Mansoureh Nickbakht Dr Mansoureh Nickbakht School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Dr Rebecca Packer Dr Rebecca Packer School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Dr Adriana Penman Dr Adriana Penman School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Associate Professor Rob Pensalfini Associate Professor Rob Pensalfini School of Languages and Cultures | School of Communication and Arts
Dr Kate Power Dr Kate Power School of Business
Dr Dragan Rangelov Dr Dragan Rangelov Queensland Brain Institute | School of Economics
Emeritus Professor Peter Renshaw Emeritus Professor Peter Renshaw School of Education
Dr Sol Rojas-Lizana Dr Sol Rojas-Lizana School of Languages and Cultures
Dr Tanya Rose Dr Tanya Rose School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Dr Anna Rumbach Dr Anna Rumbach School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Professor Nerina Scarinci Professor Nerina Scarinci School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Dr Martin Schweinberger Dr Martin Schweinberger School of Languages and Cultures
Dr Kirstine Shrubsole Dr Kirstine Shrubsole School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Dr Valeria Sinkeviciute Dr Valeria Sinkeviciute School of Languages and Cultures
Dr Kari Sullivan Dr Kari Sullivan Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
No image Emeritus Professor Roland Sussex School of Languages and Cultures
Dr Damon Thomas Dr Damon Thomas School of Education
Dr Barbra Timmer Dr Barbra Timmer School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Dr Monique Waite Dr Monique Waite School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Associate Professor Sarah Wallace Associate Professor Sarah Wallace School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Dr Lily Wang Dr Lily Wang School of Languages and Cultures
Professor Elizabeth Ward Professor Elizabeth Ward School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Honorary Professor Bernadette Watson Honorary Professor Bernadette Watson School of Psychology
Dr Brooke-Mai Whelan Dr Brooke-Mai Whelan School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Associate Professor Wayne Wilson Associate Professor Wayne Wilson School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Associate Professor Stephen Wilson Associate Professor Stephen Wilson School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Dr Laurelie Wishart Dr Laurelie Wishart School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences