Professor Elizabeth Ward

Professor in Speech Pathology

School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences

Conjoint Professor

School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences

Conjoint Professor

School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
+61 7 336 53079


Prof Ward's research program has focused on adult acute services, including head and neck cancer management, critical care, and general dysphagia management. She conducts research into improving services, evaluating new models of care and new workforce models, digital service delivery models eg., telehealth, as well as clinical training models eg., simulation. Liz is also engaged in exploring the role and benefits of the clinician-researcher workforce within health services.

Prof Ward currently holds a joint position as the Director of the Centre for Functioning and Health (CFAHR), in Metro South Hospital and Health Service, Queensland Health, and, Conjoint Professor with the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, The University of Queensland. Her research has a clinical focus with particular emphasis on projects designed to improve patient outcomes within health services. She has published extensively with over 450 publications to date and has a track record of competitive grant funding across a number of research fields. Liz has been awarded multiple UQ teaching awards and has supervised >40 students to successful completion of their research higher degree. In 2014 Liz was awarded the title of Fellow of Speech Pathology Australia in recognition of her contributions to the profession.

Research Interests

  • Telehealth
    Assessment and treatment of dysphagia, neurogenic communication disorders, management of head and neck cancer.
  • Speech and swallowing disorders
    Management of speech and swallowing disorders in clinical populations including head and neck cancer, critical care populations (including tracheostomy management) and degenerative disorders.
  • Models of student and professional training
    Including the use of simulation technology for clinical skills development.

Research Impacts

As Prof Ward's research is primarily clinically based, her work has great impact on clinical service provision within the field of speech pathology, enhancing the evidence base on swallowing and communication disorders within a variety of clinical populations, the assessment and treatment techniques used, and new models of care. Specifically her research into telepractice has led to a number of new service models implementated within Queensland Health and internationally. Her work in simulation (simulated learning) has contributed to changes in undergraduate training nationally and internationally.


  • Postgraduate Diploma, The University of Queensland
  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Queensland
  • Bachelor, The University of Queensland


View all Publications


  • Doctor Philosophy

  • (2024) Doctor Philosophy

  • Doctor Philosophy

View all Supervision

Available Projects

  • I supervise students interested in furthering knowledge in the areas of dsypahgia, telepractice, simulated learning, new models of care and health service implementations. Please contact me directly ( to discuss possible project ideas

View all Available Projects



Book Chapter

  • Ward, Elizabeth C. and Cameron, Ashley E. (2023). Telepractice in adult speech-language pathology during COVID-19. Covid-19 and speech-language pathology. (pp. 182-198) edited by Louise Cummings. New York, United States: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003257318-10

  • Messing, Barbara Pisano, Ward, Elizabeth Celeste and Lazarus, Cathy L. (2019). Optimizing Clinical Management of Head and Neck Cancer. Clinical Care and Rehabilitation in Head and Neck Cancer. (pp. 85-100) Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-04702-3_6

  • Nund, Rebecca L., Scarinci, Nerina A., Cartmill, Bena and Ward, Elizabeth C. (2015). Dysphagia and the family. Seminars in Dysphagia. (pp. 159-175) edited by Renee Speyer and Hans Bogaardt. Rijeka, Croatia: InTech - Open Access Publisher. doi: 10.5772/58665

  • Ward, E. C., Burnett, R., Spurgin, A-L., Kelly, A., Stierwalt, J., Wilson, K., Yiu, E. and van der Molen, L. (2014). Management of head and neck cancer: An international perspective. Head and neck cancer: Treatment, rehabilitation and outcomes. (pp. 569-591) edited by Elizabeth C. Ward and Corina J. van As-Brooks. San Diego, CA, United States: Plural Publishing.

  • Bogaardt, Hans, Jensen, Katrina M. and Ward, Elizabeth C. (2014). Management of the patient with a tracheostomy. Head and neck cancer: treatment, rehabilitation and outcomes. (pp. 241-262) edited by Elizabeth C. Ward and Corina J. van As-Brooks. San Diego, CA, United States: Plural Publishing.

  • Cartmill, Bena, Nund, Rebecca L. and Ward, Elizabeth C. (2014). Managing survivorship: issues for the patient and carer. Head and Neck Cancer: Treatment, Rehabilitation and Outcomes. (pp. 525-539) edited by Elizabeth C. Ward and Corina J. van as Brooks. San Diege, CA, United States: Plural Publishing.

  • Lawson, N. and Ward, E. C. (2014). Patient support and multidisciplinary management. Head and neck cancer: Treatment, rehabilitation and outcomes. (pp. 447-492) edited by Elizabeth C. Ward and Corina J. van As-Brooks. San Diego, CA, United States: Plural Publishing.

  • van As-Brooks, Corina J., Finizia, Caterina A., Kerle, Sophie M. and Ward, Elizabeth C. (2014). Rehabilitation of olfaction and taste following total laryngectomy. Head and neck cancer: treatment, rehabilitation and outcomes. (pp. 421-445) San Diego, CA, United States: Plural Publishing.

  • Perkins, Kylie A., Hancock, Kelli L. and Ward, Elizabeth C. (2014). Speech and swallowing following laryngeal and hypopharyngeal cancer. Head and neck cancer: Treatment, rehabilitation and outcomes. (pp. 173-240) edited by Elizabeth C. Ward and Corina J. van As-Brooks. San Diego, CA, United States: Plural Publishing.

  • Lazarus, C., Wall, L, Ward, E. C. and Yiu, E (2014). Speech and swallowing following oral, oropharyngeal and nasopharyngeal cancers. Head and neck cancer: Treatment, rehabilitation and outcomes. (pp. 121-149) San Diego, CA, United States: Plural Publishing.

  • Ward, Elizabeth C., Acton, Lynn M. and Spurgin, Annie-Louise (2014). Stoma care and appliances. Head and neck cancer: Treatment, rehabilitation and outcomes. (pp. 375-400) edited by Elizabeth C. Ward and Corina J. van As-Brooks. San Diego, CA, United States: Plural Publishing.

  • Burns, C., Hill, A. and Ward, E. C. (2014). Supporting head and neck cancer management: Use of technology. Head and neck cancer: Treatment, rehabilitation and outcomes. (pp. 541-568) edited by Elizabeth C. Ward and Corina J. van As-Brooks. San Diego, CA, United States: Plural Publishing.

  • Ward, Elizabeth C., Kerle, Sophie M., Hancock, Kelli L. and Perkins, Kylie A. (2014). Swallowing rehabilitation following total laryngectomy. Head and neck cancer: treatment, rehabilitation and outcomes. (pp. 343-373) edited by Elizabeth C. Ward and Corina J. van As-Brooks. San Diego, CA, United States: Plural Publishing.

  • Ward, Elizabeth (2010). Ludwig's angina. Dysphagia in rare conditions: An encyclopedia. (pp. 349-354) edited by Harrison N. Jones and John C. Rosenbek. San Diego, CA, U.S.A.: Plural Publishing.

  • Rumbach, A. F., Ward, E. C., McKinnon - Dubose, C. and Clayton, N. A. (2009). Burn injury. Dysphagia Post Trauma. (pp. 151-200) edited by Elizabeth C. Ward and Angela T. Morgan. San Diego, CA: Plural Publishing.

  • Morgan, Angela and Ward, Elizabeth C. (2009). Dysphagia assessment and intervention: Basic principles for trauma management. Dysphagia Post Trauma. (pp. 1-30) edited by Elizabeth C. Ward and Angela T. Morgan. San Diego, CA: Plural Publishing.

  • Crombie, J. M., Spurgin, A. L. and Ward, E. C. (2009). Multitrauma and iatrogenic trauma. Dysphagia Post Trauma. (pp. 201-238) edited by Elizabeth C Ward and Angela Morgan. San Diego, CA: Plural Publishing.

  • Murdoch, B. E., Ward, E. C. and Theodoros, D. G. (2009). Spastic dysarthria. Clinical Management of Sensorimotor Speech Disorders. (pp. 187-203) edited by M. R. McNeil. New York, United States: Thieme Medical Publishers.

  • Morgan, A. T. and Ward, E. C. (2009). Traumatic brain injury. Dysphagia Post Trauma. (pp. 31-66) edited by Elizabeth C. Ward and Angela T. Morgan. San Diego, CA: Plural Publishing.

  • Solley, M. M. and Ward, E. C. (2009). Traumatic spinal cord injury. Dysphagia Post Trauma. (pp. 67-150) edited by Elizabeth C. Ward and Angela T. Morgan. San Diego, CA: Plural Publishing.

  • Ward, E., Burnett, R., Morton, A., Stierwalt, J., Wilson, K., Yiu, E. and Van As-Brooks, C. (2007). Management of head and neck cancer: An international perspective. Head and Neck Cancer: Treatment, Rehabilitation and Outcomes. (pp. 381-400) edited by E. Ward and C. Van As-Brooks. San Diego: Plural Publishing.

  • Manison, N. and Ward, E. (2007). Patient support and multidisciplinary management. Head and Neck Cancer: Treatment, Rehabilitation and Outcomes. (pp. 347-380) edited by Ward, E. and Van As-Brooks, C.. San Diego: Plural Publishing.

  • Van As-Brooks, C., Finizia, C. and Ward, E. (2007). Rehabilitation of olfaction and taste following total laryngectomy. Head and Neck Cancer: Treatment, Rehabilitation and Outcomes. (pp. 325-346) edited by Ward, E. and Van As-Brooks, C.. San Diego: Plural Publishing.

  • Perkins, K., Hancock, K. and Ward, E. (2007). Speech and swallowing following laryngeal and hypopharyngeal cancer. Head and Neck Cancer: Treatment, Rehabilitation and Outcomes. (pp. 145-192) edited by E. Ward and C. Van As-Brooks. San Diego, CA, United States: Plural Publishing.

  • Lazarus, C., Ward, E. and Yiu, E. (2007). Speech and swallowing following oral, oropharyngeal, and nasopharyngeal cancers. Head and Neck Cancer: Treatment, Rehabilitation and Outcomes. (pp. 103-122) edited by Ward, E. and Van As-Brooks, C.. San Diego: Plural Publishing.

  • Ward, E., Acton, L. and Morton, A. (2007). Stoma care. Head and Neck Cancer: Treatment, Rehabilitation and Outcomes. (pp. 289-311) edited by E. Ward and C. Van As-Brooks. San Diego: Plural Publishing.

  • Ward, E., Kerle, S., Hancock, K. and Perkins, K. (2007). Swallowing rehabilitation following total laryngectomy. Head and Neck Cancer: Treatment, Rehabilitation and Outcomes. (pp. 267-287) edited by E. Ward and C. Van As-Brooks. San Diego, CA, United States: Plural Publishing.

  • Murdoch, B. E., Docking, K. M. and Ward, E. C. (2004). Language and phonological awareness abilities of children treated for posterior fossa tumor. Neurogenic Language Disorders in Children. (pp. 87-126) edited by F. Fabbro. Oxford, UK: Elsevier.

  • Ward, E. C. and Morgan, A. T. (2001). Dysphagia following traumatic brain injury in adults and children: Assessment and characteristics. Traumatic Brain Injury: Associated speech, language, and swallowing disorders. (pp. 331-368) edited by B. E. Murdoch and D. G. Theodoros. Canada: Singular Publishers.

  • Ward, E. C. and Morgan, A. T. (2001). Rehabilitation of Dysphagia following Traumatic Brain Injury. Traumatic Brain Injury: Associated speech, language, and swallowing disorders. (pp. 369-401) edited by B. E. Murdoch and D. G. Theodoros. Canada: Singular Publishers.

  • Morgan, A. T. and Ward, E. C. (2001). Swallowing: Neuroanatomical and physiological framework. Traumatic Brain Injury: Associated speech, language, and swallowing disorders. (pp. 313-330) edited by B. E. Murdoch and D. G. Theodoros. Canada: Singular Publishers.

  • Murdoch, Bruce E., Theodoros, Deborah G and Ward, Elizabeth C. (2000). Articulatory and velopharyngeal dysfunction in multiple sclerosis. Speech and language disorders in multiple sclerosis. (pp. 47-63) London: Whurr.

  • Murdoch, B. E., Ward, E. C. and Theodoros, D. G. (2000). Dysarthria: Clinical features, neuroanatomical framework and assessment. Acquired neurogenic communication disorders : a clinical perspective. (pp. 103-148) edited by Ilias Papathanasiou. London, UK: Whurr Publishers Ltd.

  • Theodoros, D. G., Murdoch, B. E. and Ward, E. C. (2000). Laryngeal and respiratory dysfunction in multiple sclerosis. Speech and language disorders in multiple sclerosis. (pp. 64-79) edited by Bruce E. Murdoch and Deborah G. Theodoros. London: Whurr Publishers.

  • Theodoros, D. G., Murdoch, B. E. and Ward, E. C. (2000). Perceptual features of dysarthria in multiple sclerosis. Speech and language disorders in multiple sclerosis. (pp. 15-29) edited by Bruce E. Murdoch and Deborah G. Theodoros. London: Whurr Publishers.

  • Theodoros, D. G. and Ward, E. C. (2000). Treatment of motor speech disorders in multiple sclerosis. Speech and Language Disorders in Multiple Sclerosis. (pp. 80-105) edited by B. E. Murdoch and D. G. Theodoros. London: Whurr Publishers.

  • Thompson-Ward, E.C. and Theodoros, D.G. (1998). Acoustic analysis of dysarthric speech. Dysarthria: A physiological approach to assessment and treatment. (pp. 102-129) edited by Bruce E. Murdoch.. Cheltenham, England: Stanley Thornes.

  • Thompson-Ward, Elizabeth C. (1998). Flaccid dysarthria. Dysarthria: A Physiological Approach to Assessment and Treatment. (pp. 176-204) edited by Bruce E. Murdoch. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Stanley Thornes (Publishers).

  • Thompson-Ward, E.C. and Murdoch, B.E. (1998). Instrumental assessment of the speech mechanism. Dysarthria: A physiological approach to assessment and treatment. (pp. 68-101) edited by Bruce E. Murdoch. Cheltenham, England: Stanley Thornes.

  • Thompson-Ward, E.C. (1998). Spastic dysarthria. Dysarthria: A physiological approach to assessment and treatment. (pp. 205-241) edited by Bruce E. Murdoch. Cheltenham, England: Stanley Thornes.

  • Theodoros, D.G. and Thompson-Ward, E.C. (1998). Treatment of dysarthria. Dysarthria: A physiological approach to assessment and treatment. (pp. 130-175) edited by Bruce E. Murdoch. Cheltenham, England: Stanley Thornes.

  • Murdoch, Bruce E., Thompson, Elizabeth C. and Theodoros, Deborah G. (1997). Spastic dysarthria. Clinical Management of Sensorimotor Speech Disorders. (pp. 287-310) edited by Malcolm R. McNeil. New York, NY, USA: Thieme.

Journal Article

Conference Publication

Edited Outputs

Other Outputs

  • Speech Pathology Australia, Hill, Annie J., Burns, Clare, Abel, Andrea, Bridgman, Kate, Bryant, Lucy, Bye, Julia, Campbell, Jessica, Erickson, Shane, Furlong, Lisa, Graham, Nicola, Levine, Rachel, Pitt, Rachelle, Raatz, Madeline, Rietdijk, Rachael, Scarinci, Nerina, Sutherland, Rebecca, Thomas, Donna, Waite, Monique, Walton, Chloe, Ward, Elizabeth and Wishart, Laurelie (2022). Telepractice in Speech Pathology Position Statement. Melbourne, VIC, Australia: Speech Pathology Association of Australia.

  • Speech Pathology Australia, Burns, Clare, Hill, Annie, Baldac, S., Cook, M., Erickson, S., Garnett, R., Lowe, R., Martinovich, J., May, J., Rietdijk, R., Waite, M. and Ward, E. (2015). Telepractice in Speech Pathology Position Statement. Melbourne, VIC Australia: Speech Pathology Association of Australia.

Grants (Administered at UQ)

PhD and MPhil Supervision

Current Supervision

  • Doctor Philosophy — Principal Advisor

    Other advisors:

  • Doctor Philosophy — Principal Advisor

  • Doctor Philosophy — Principal Advisor

  • Doctor Philosophy — Associate Advisor

    Other advisors:

  • Doctor Philosophy — Associate Advisor

    Other advisors:

  • Doctor Philosophy — Associate Advisor

  • Doctor Philosophy — Associate Advisor

    Other advisors:

  • Doctor Philosophy — Associate Advisor

    Other advisors:

  • Doctor Philosophy — Associate Advisor

  • Doctor Philosophy — Associate Advisor

  • Doctor Philosophy — Associate Advisor

  • Doctor Philosophy — Associate Advisor

Completed Supervision

Possible Research Projects

Note for students: The possible research projects listed on this page may not be comprehensive or up to date. Always feel free to contact the staff for more information, and also with your own research ideas.

  • I supervise students interested in furthering knowledge in the areas of dsypahgia, telepractice, simulated learning, new models of care and health service implementations. Please contact me directly ( to discuss possible project ideas