Professor Greg Hainge

Head,School of Languages & Cultures

School of Languages and Cultures
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

Head,School of Languages & Cultures

Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

Head of School of Languages and Cul

School of Languages and Cultures
Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences

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Professor Greg Hainge's research interests are primarily in the areas of twentieth-centry French literature, Film Studies, Sound Studies (including noise) and Critical Theory.

He is Professor of French and Head of the School of Languages and Cultures at the University of Queensland, a Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Greg's most recent monograph is on the French filmmaker Philippe Grandrieux (Bloomsbury Academic, 2017) and is published in a new series entitled "ex:centrics" that Greg edits with Paul Hegarty from the University of Nottingham. Philippe Grandrieux is one of cinema's only living true radicals and feted as one of the most innovative and important film makers of his generation. His consistently controversial work remains, however, relatively unknown outside of the international art film festival circuit. This volume is the first book-length study of the work of Grandrieux in any language and provides an overview and critical analysis of Grandrieux's entire career during which he has produced works for television, video installations, photography, performance pieces, documentary films, short films and prize-winning feature films. As well as providing an overview, the book argues that a critical appraisal of his work necessarily leads us to problematize many of the critical orthodoxies that have been formed in recent times, to reject the concept of a haptic cinema and to supplant this instead with the idea of a sonic cinema.

Greg is also the author of a monograph entitled Noise Matters: Towards an Ontology of Noise (New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2013). In this work, Greg proposes a radical and controversial rethink of the concept of noise. Distancing himself from the critical orthodoxies forming in the burgeoning field of noise studies, he argues that noise is not merely unpleasant or loud sound but, rather, indicative of the way in which being is expressed in a relational ontology. This approach takes noise far outside of the realm of the sonic and accordingly new reading are proposed of the films of David Lynch, the photography of Thomas Ruff and the music of Merzbow through a critical framework that draws on the work of Deleuze and Guattari, Michel Serres, Julia Kristeva, Jean-Paul Sartre, Pierre Schaeffer and many more besides.

Greg is one of the world's foremost scholars on the works of Louis-Ferdinand Céline and has published a monographs which interfaces the later works of this most infamous of French authors with the poststructuralist philosophy of Deleuze and Guattari.

In addition, he has published widely in international journals, collected monographs and written catalogue essays for major international exhibitions, including ‘David Lynch: Between Two Worlds’ at the Gallery of Modern Art, Queensland and 'Audiosphere' held at the Reina Sofia National Museum in Madrid.

Greg is editor in chief of Culture, Theory and Critique and serves on the editorial boards of Contemporary French Civilization, Études Céliniennes, Corps: Revue Interdisciplinaire and French Screen Studies.

Research Interests

  • Sound studies.
    Special emphasis on noise, including its philosophical dimensions.
  • French cinema.
    Special emphasis on new extreme cinema: Noe, Grandrieux, Denis, de Van, etc.
  • 20th Century French literature
    Special emphasis on Celine.
  • Popular and experimental music.
    Special emphasis on Radiohead, Bjork, musique concrete, noise music, glitch.
  • American independent cinema
    Special emphasis on the Coen Brothers, David Lynch.
  • Photography
    Special emphasis on Bill Henson, Alexa Wright, Thomas Ruff, Antoine d'Agata.
  • Cultural Studies.

Research Impacts

Greg Hainge's work is essentially a critical engagement into the ways in which we understand the world. His works aims to find new points of entry into cultural objects and texts, to understand differently, for instance, the relations between the cinema and its spectator, or touch screen technologies and their users, photographs and their viewers, music and its listeners, etc. Aiming to strip away the assumptions of common sense apprehensions of the world, he seeks innovative ways to engage with cultural expressions that refuse simply to "represent" our world and instead seek to make us see it in a new light. This ability to develop our critical capacity has never been more important than at the present time, and it is for this reason that Greg has increasingly turned his focus towards publications aimed at a general public.


  • Postgraduate Diploma in Executive Leadership, The University of Queensland
  • Doctor of Philosophy, University of Nottingham
  • Masters (Coursework), University of Nottingham
  • Bachelor (Honours) of Arts, University of Nottingham


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PhD and MPhil Supervision

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  • Doctor Philosophy — Principal Advisor

  • Doctor Philosophy — Principal Advisor

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