Researchers in Genetics (clinical)

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Photo Researcher Organisational Units
Dr Esinam Nancy Amuzu-Aweh Dr Esinam Nancy Amuzu-Aweh Centre for Crop Science
Dr Lauren Aoude Dr Lauren Aoude Frazer Institute | Princess Alexandra Hospital Southside Clinical Unit
Emeritus Professor Kaye Basford Emeritus Professor Kaye Basford School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
Professor Melissa Brown Professor Melissa Brown Office of the Provost | Faculty of Science
Dr Enda Byrne Dr Enda Byrne Child Health Research Centre
Dr Seth Cheetham Dr Seth Cheetham Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology
No image Dr Lucia Colodro-Conde School of Psychology
Dr Dave Coman Dr Dave Coman Children's Health Queensland Clinical Unit
Dr Caitlin Curtis Dr Caitlin Curtis Centre for Policy Futures | School of Business School of Public Health
Professor Emma Duncan Professor Emma Duncan Royal Brisbane Clinical Unit
Professor David Evans Professor David Evans Institute for Molecular Bioscience
Dr Adam Ewing Dr Adam Ewing Mater Research Institute-UQ
No image Professor Geoff Faulkner Queensland Brain Institute | Mater Research Institute-UQ
Associate Professor Marina Fortes Associate Professor Marina Fortes School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences
Dr Catherine Franklin Dr Catherine Franklin Mater Research Institute-UQ | School of Public Health
Dr Fleur Garton Dr Fleur Garton Institute for Molecular Bioscience
Dr Jean Giacomotto Dr Jean Giacomotto Queensland Brain Institute
Dr Dylan Glubb Dr Dylan Glubb School of Biomedical Sciences
Honorary Professor Jake Gratten Honorary Professor Jake Gratten Mater Research Institute-UQ
Ms Anjali Henders Ms Anjali Henders Institute for Molecular Bioscience
Dr Daniel Hwang Dr Daniel Hwang Institute for Molecular Bioscience
Dr John Kemp Dr John Kemp Mater Research Institute-UQ | Institute for Molecular Bioscience
Dr Amanda Kijas Dr Amanda Kijas Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology
No image Dr Harriet Lo Institute for Molecular Bioscience
Dr Andrew Mallett Dr Andrew Mallett Institute for Molecular Bioscience
Dr Narelle Manzie Dr Narelle Manzie Centre for Horticultural Science
No image Professor Nick Martin School of Psychology | Royal Brisbane Clinical Unit
Associate Professor Aideen McInerney-Leo Associate Professor Aideen McInerney-Leo Frazer Institute
Dr Allan McRae Dr Allan McRae Institute for Molecular Bioscience | Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research Infrastructure)
No image Honorary Professor Sarah Medland School of Psychology
No image Professor Timothy Mercer Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology
Dr Gunn-Helen Moen Dr Gunn-Helen Moen Institute for Molecular Bioscience Frazer Institute
Professor Grant Montgomery Professor Grant Montgomery Institute for Molecular Bioscience
Professor Bryan Mowry Professor Bryan Mowry Queensland Brain Institute
Dr Marina Naval Sanchez Dr Marina Naval Sanchez Institute for Molecular Bioscience
Dr Trung Ngo Dr Trung Ngo RECOVER Injury Research Centre
Dr Quan Nguyen Dr Quan Nguyen Institute for Molecular Bioscience School of Biomedical Sciences
Dr Loan Nguyen Dr Loan Nguyen Centre for Animal Science
No image Dr Dmitriy Niyazov Medical School (Ochsner Clinical School)
Professor Daniel Ortiz-Barrientos Professor Daniel Ortiz-Barrientos School of the Environment
Dr Imtiaz Randhawa Dr Imtiaz Randhawa School of Veterinary Science | Centre for Animal Science
Dr Sandra Richardson Dr Sandra Richardson Mater Research Institute-UQ
Dr Elizabeth Ross Dr Elizabeth Ross Centre for Animal Science
Dr Sonia Shah Dr Sonia Shah Institute for Molecular Bioscience
No image Honorary Professor Amanda Spurdle School of Biomedical Sciences
Dr Ella Trembizki Dr Ella Trembizki Faculty of Medicine
Associate Professor Peter Trnka Associate Professor Peter Trnka Children's Health Queensland Clinical Unit
Associate Professor Lata Vadlamudi Associate Professor Lata Vadlamudi UQ Centre for Clinical Research
Professor Peter Visscher Professor Peter Visscher Institute for Molecular Bioscience
Dr Nicole Warrington Dr Nicole Warrington Institute for Molecular Bioscience Frazer Institute
Professor Naomi Wray Professor Naomi Wray Institute for Molecular Bioscience Queensland Brain Institute
Dr Tatiane Yanes Dr Tatiane Yanes Frazer Institute
Dr Yuanhao Yang Dr Yuanhao Yang Mater Research Institute-UQ
Associate Professor Loic Yengo Associate Professor Loic Yengo Institute for Molecular Bioscience