Dr Amanda Kijas

Research Fellow

Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology

Research Fellow

Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology
+61 7 334 64178


I am a passionate research scientist who joined Professor Alan Rowans group in 2017 to develop novel wound management agents and investigate the interface between material science and cellular responses. These projects focus on studying cellular responses within 3D matrices of defined properties where we can investigate the role of biophysical and biochemical interactions in real time and with applied mechanical force using a confocal rheometer. Extracellular matrices are a large focus, acting as dynamic platforms not only providing a physical scaffold with defined mechanical properties but also act as a repository for biochemical based signalling molecules and interaction domains, orchestrating biological responses. Matrices composed of synthetic or naturally derived material, offer different and overlapping array of advantageous in the context of cell behaviour. We are exploring both types in isolation and as composite and hybrid materials to tailor the biophysical aspects to the specific applications. By combining these matrices with bioactive components we are empowering the materials to bring about the biochemical responses in defined ways, enabling the investigation of both fundamental biological processes as well as development of clinically relevant agents.


  • Doctor of Philosophy, Uppsala University
  • Bachelor (Honours), Flinders University


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  • Doctor Philosophy

  • Doctor Philosophy

  • Doctor Philosophy

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Book Chapter

Journal Article

Conference Publication

  • Lim, Y. C., Roberts, T., Day, B., Harding, A., Ensbey, K., Kozlov, S., Kijas, A., Walker, D. and Lavin, M. (2012). Response of glioma initiating cells to ionising radiation. Targeting Cancer from Diagnosis to Cure & 5th Annual COGNO Annual Scientific Meeting, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 8-10 August 2012. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell. doi: 10.1111/j.1743-7563.2012.01586_2.x

Grants (Administered at UQ)

PhD and MPhil Supervision

Current Supervision

  • Doctor Philosophy — Principal Advisor

    Other advisors:

  • Doctor Philosophy — Principal Advisor

    Other advisors:

  • Doctor Philosophy — Associate Advisor

  • Doctor Philosophy — Associate Advisor

    Other advisors:

  • Doctor Philosophy — Associate Advisor

    Other advisors:

  • Doctor Philosophy — Associate Advisor

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Completed Supervision