Researchers in Development

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Photo Researcher Organisational Units
Dr Rajendra Adhikari Dr Rajendra Adhikari School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
Dr Elizabeth Agyeiwaah Dr Elizabeth Agyeiwaah School of Business
Dr Md. Ali Akber Dr Md. Ali Akber School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
Associate Professor Sally Babidge Associate Professor Sally Babidge School of Social Science
Associate Professor Morgan Brigg Associate Professor Morgan Brigg School of Political Science and International Studies
Professor Lynda Cheshire Professor Lynda Cheshire School of Social Science | Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Dr Monica Chien Dr Monica Chien School of Business
Honorary Professor Pamela Christie Honorary Professor Pamela Christie School of Education
Professor Rob Cramb Professor Rob Cramb
Dr Mireia Guix Dr Mireia Guix School of Business
Professor Shahar Hameiri Professor Shahar Hameiri School of Political Science and International Studies
Associate Professor Karen Hughes Associate Professor Karen Hughes School of Business
Professor Paul Jagals Professor Paul Jagals Child Health Research Centre
No image Ms Julia Keenan Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining
Professor Deanna Kemp Professor Deanna Kemp Sustainable Minerals Institute Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining
Adjunct Professor Adil Khan Adjunct Professor Adil Khan School of Social Science
Dr Isaac Koomson Dr Isaac Koomson Centre for the Business and Economics of Health
Dr Zannie Langford Dr Zannie Langford School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
Emeritus Professor Geoffrey Lawrence Emeritus Professor Geoffrey Lawrence School of Social Science
Professor Kristen Lyons Professor Kristen Lyons School of Social Science | Office of the Vice-Chancellor
Associate Professor Renuka Mahadevan Associate Professor Renuka Mahadevan School of Economics
Professor Bob McKercher Professor Bob McKercher School of Business
Professor Karen McNamara Professor Karen McNamara School of the Environment
No image Professor Tom Measham Sustainable Minerals Institute
Professor Paul Memmott Professor Paul Memmott School of Architecture, Design and Planning
Dr Mucha Mkono Dr Mucha Mkono School of Business
Dr Jenny Munro Dr Jenny Munro School of Social Science
Associate Professor Jan Packer Associate Professor Jan Packer School of Business
No image Ms Joni Parmenter Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining
Professor Cameron Parsell Professor Cameron Parsell School of Social Science
Dr Andre Pekerti Dr Andre Pekerti School of Business
Emeritus Professor Prasada Rao Emeritus Professor Prasada Rao School of Economics
Dr Vicente Reyes Dr Vicente Reyes School of Education
Professor Brent Ritchie Professor Brent Ritchie School of Business | Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Associate Professor Sonia Roitman Associate Professor Sonia Roitman School of Architecture, Design and Planning | School of the Environment
Dr Lynda Shevellar Dr Lynda Shevellar School of Social Science | Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Professor Robin Shields Professor Robin Shields Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Dr Patricia Short Dr Patricia Short School of Social Science
Dr Kiah Smith Dr Kiah Smith Centre for Policy Futures
Associate Professor Sally Staton Associate Professor Sally Staton Queensland Brain Institute Child Health Research Centre
No image Dr DB Subedi School of Political Science and International Studies
Professor KK Tang Professor KK Tang School of Economics
Associate Professor Peter Walters Associate Professor Peter Walters School of Social Science
Associate Professor Kathy Witt Associate Professor Kathy Witt UQ Gas & Energy Transition Research Centre
Dr Severine van Bommel Dr Severine van Bommel School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
Associate Professor Elske van de Fliert Associate Professor Elske van de Fliert School of Communication and Arts