Dr Pascal Bolz

Research Fellow

Centre for Water in the Minerals Industry
Sustainable Minerals Institute

Research Fellow

Centre for Water in the Minerals Industry
Sustainable Minerals Institute


Pascal's research interests are diversified over various aspects of the Earth system, including geology, geomorphology, climate, soil and anthropogenic modifications in the context of spatial data analysis and interpretation.

Pascal holds a BSc in Geography from the University of Hamburg (Germany), a MSc in Earth Sciences from the University of Hamburg (Germany) and a PhD from the Queensland University of Technology (Brisbane, Australia). His PhD research on multi-method sediment provenance analysis focussed on the integration of U-Pb thermo- and geochronometer with novel techniques in image analysis and dimension reduction methods. The project was in cooperation with the Geological Survey of Queensland (DoR, GSQ) and the Geological Survey of New South Wales (GSNSW).

Over the last 10 years Pascal has worked with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in the context of teaching, academic research and for industry applications. He is proficient on a variety of GIS software platforms including ArcMap, ArcGIS Pro, QGIS and SAGA.

Research Impacts

Integrating and analysing spatial data across all components of the Earth system, including its anthropogenic modifications, allows to combine and analyse complex data and make it accessible to anyone. Spatial Science is capabale to perform in-depth scientific analysis and is directly connected to easily understandable mapping outputs. Pascal's work at the Sustainable Minerals Institute is focussing on regional perspectives on our transitioning mining regions across Australia and highlights vulnerabilties, challenges and opportunities for the transitioning industry. This work is already informing decision makers today about the opportunities and risks that lie ahead. On the other hand, Pascal works on improving environmental management practices is making an impact on the technical skillset of environmental staff in mine sites across Australia, improving their understanding of environmental modelling to address envirionmental challenges in mining using Spatial Science.


  • Doctor of Philosophy, Queensland University of Technology
  • Masters (Coursework) of Earth Sciences
  • Bachelor of Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience


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