Professor Tom Baldock

Head of School, Civil Engineering

Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology

Head of School of Civil Engineering

School of Civil Engineering
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
+61 7 336 54498


Professor Tom Baldock, B.Eng, Ph.D (Lond), DIC, MIEAust.

****Ph.D. Scholarships in Coastal and Marine Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, University of Queensland, Australia****

Please enquire about forthcoming UQ scholarship opportunities for domestic Australian students (citizens or permanent residents) or international students who are currently in Australia.

Ph.D. projects are available on coastal processes, coral reef hydrodynamics, tsunami impacts, wave energy or a topic of your own

Professor Baldock’s research is primarily in the field of Coastal and Ocean Engineering, but also encompasses renewable energy and higher education. He has published over 120 journal papers and over 80 conference papers, notably in top-rated journals for his discipline (Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Proceedings and Transactions of the Royal Society), and is the most published author in the journal Coastal Engineering over the past decade. He is presently principal supervisor for 6 Ph.D. students, with 18 PhD students graduated since 2007, three of whom were awarded Dean’s awards, and nine have secured T&R or research positions nationally and internationally, one a full Professor. His Ph.D. students have published over 60 journal papers since 2004. They have worked on field and laboratory experiments in the UK, Europe, the USA, in association with international researchers and government agencies. Prof Baldock received a UQ Award for “Excellence in HDR Supervision” in 2017. He is currently working on a major project within the National Reef Restoration and Adaption Program ( focused on the Great Barier Reef.

He has strong national and international collaboration on research on topical issues in coastal engineering and close links with Government and National agencies, which includes consultancy and expert witness services in Marine Engineering. Recent and current relevant research projects include a multi-partner CSIRO Cluster project under the Wealth from Oceans Flagship, investigating tsunami impact on ultra-long submarine pipelines running from the deep ocean up to continental slope and then onshore, ARC Discovery, ARC Linkage and ARC LIEF projects investigating storm surge and wave run-up along the East Australian coast, and four European Union HYDRALAB IV transnational access projects to study beach erosion and recovery processes in large wave flume facilities. He is also working with Geoscience Australia on the Bushfire and Natural Hazards projects, Resilience of Coasts to Clustered storm events and with the Global Change Institute (UQ) on the World Bank project "Capturing Coral Reef Ecosystems Services".

He is a member of the Editorial Board for Coastal Engineering and a member of the Engineers Australia National Committee on Coastal and Ocean Engineering.

He was Chair of the Organising Committee for Coasts and Ports 2017, held in Cairns, June 2017

His primary research interests are in : Swash zone hydrodynamics, Beach face sediment transport, Coral reef hydrodynamics and associated shoreline behaviour, Long wave generation and surf beat, Extreme non-linear waves (freak waves), Storm surge and tsunami hazards.

His current research projects are in the fields of:

  1. Swash Zone hydrodynamics and Sediment Transport
  2. Wave overtopping, including tsunami overtopping
  3. Coral reef hydrodynamics
  4. Impact of sea level rise on coastlines on open and reef-fronted coasts
  5. Surf zone processes and beach erosion
  6. Infrastructure for offshore aquaculture
  7. Wave energy conversion

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Top publications

Baldock, T.E., Swan, C. and Taylor, P.H., 1996. A laboratory study of non-linear surface waves on water. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, London, Series A. 354, 1-28. [ERA – A]

Baldock, T. E and Huntley, D. A., 2002. Long wave forcing by the breaking of random gravity waves on a beach. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, Series A. 458, 2177-2201. [ERA – A*]

Baldock, T.E., 2006. Long wave generation by the shoaling and breaking of transient wave groups on a beach, Proceedings of the Royal Society, London., Series A. 462, 1853–1876. [ERA – A*]

Baldock, T. E., O’ Hare, T. J., and Huntley, D. A.., 2004. Long wave forcing on a barred beach. J. Fluid Mechanics, 503, 321-341. [ERA – A*]

Pritchard, D., Guard, P.A. and Baldock, T.E., 2008. An analytical model for bore-driven run-up. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 610: 183-193. [ERA – A*]

Baldock, T.E., Peiris, D. and Hogg, A.J., 2012. Overtopping of solitary waves and solitary bores on a plane beach. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London, Series A., doi: 10.1098/rspa.2011.0729. [ERA –A*]

Saunders, M.I. et al., 2014. Interdependency of tropical marine ecosystems in response to climate change. Nature Clim. Change, 4(8): 724-729. [ERA – A*]

Latest publications:

  1. Lancaster, O., Cossu, R., Wilson, M., & Baldock, T. E. (2022). A 3D numerical and experimental parametric study of wave-induced scour around large bluff body structures. Ocean Engineering, 112766. doi:
  2. Astorga-Moar, A., & Baldock, T. E. (2022). Assessment and optimisation of runup formulae for beaches fronted by fringing reefs based on physical experiments. Coastal Engineering, 176, 104163. doi:
  3. Thompson, M. E., Matson, B. J., & Baldock, T. E. (2022). A globally verified coastal glare estimation tool. Coastal Engineering, 177, 104190.
  4. Shabani, B., Ware, P. & Baldock, T. E. 2022. Suppression of Wind Waves in the Presence of Swell: A Physical Modeling Study. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 127, e2021JC018306.
  5. Lancaster, O., Cossu, R., Wuppukondur, A., Astorga Moar, A., Hunter, S., & Baldock, T. E. (2022). Experimental measurements of wave-induced scour around a scaled gravity-based Oscillating Water Column Wave Energy Converter. Applied Ocean Research, 126, 103268. doi:
  6. Wuppukondur, A. and Baldock, T.E., 2022. Physical and numerical modelling of representative tsunami waves propagating and overtopping in converging channels. Coastal Engineering, p.104120.
  7. Wiegerink, J. J., Baldock, T. E., Callaghan, D. P. & Wang, C. M. 2022. Slosh Suppression Blocks - A concept for mitigating fluid motions in floating closed containment fish pen in high energy environments. Applied Ocean Research, 120, 103068.
  8. Lancaster, O., Cossu, R., Heatherington, C., Hunter, S. & Baldock, T. E. 2022. Field Observations of Scour Behavior around an Oscillating Water Column Wave Energy Converter. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10, 320.
  9. Blenkinsopp, C. E., Baldock, T. E., Bayle, P. M., Foss, O., Almeida, L. P. & Schimmels, S. 2022. Remote Sensing of Wave Overtopping on Dynamic Coastal Structures. Remote Sensing, 14, 513.
  10. Ibrahim, M. S. I. & Baldock, T. E. 2021. Physical and Numerical Modeling of Wave-by-Wave Overtopping along a Truncated Plane Beach. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 147, 04021025.
  11. Thompson, M., Zelich, I., Watterson, E. & Baldock, T. E. 2021. Wave Peel Tracking: A New Approach for Assessing Surf Amenity and Analysis of Breaking Waves. Remote Sensing, 13, 3372.
  12. Birrien, F. & Baldock, T. 2021. A Coupled Hydrodynamic-Equilibrium Type Beach Profile Evolution Model. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9, 353.
  13. Lancaster, O., Cossu, R., Boulay, S., Hunter, S. & Baldock, T. E. 2021. Comparative Wave Measurements at a Wave Energy Site with a Recently Developed Low-Cost Wave Buoy (Spotter), ADCP, and Pressure Loggers. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 38, 1019-1033
  14. Baldock, T.E., Gravois, U., Callaghan, D.P., Davies, G. and Nichol, S., 2021. Methodology for Estimating return intervals for storm demand and dune recession by clustered and non-clustered morphological events. Coastal Engineering, p.103924.
  15. Bayle, P.M., Beuzen, T., Blenkinsopp, C.E., Baldock, T.E. and Turner, I.L., 2021. A new approach for scaling beach profile evolution and sediment transport rates in distorted laboratory models. Coastal Engineering, 163, p.103794.
  16. Blenkinsopp, C.E., Bayle, P.M., Conley, D.C., Masselink, G., Gulson, E., Kelly, I., Almar, R., Turner, I.L., Baldock, T.E., Beuzen, T. and McCall, R.T., 2021. High-resolution, large-scale laboratory measurements of a sandy beach and dynamic cobble berm revetment. Scientific data, 8(1), pp.1-11.

Research Interests

  • Surf zone waves and tsunami impact
  • Wave run-up and beach erosion
  • Swash zone hydrodynamics and sediment transport
  • Surf Beat on Plane and Barred Beaches
    A laboratory investigation of long wave generation and behgaviour over plane and barred beaches. In particular, clarifying forcing mechanisms, correlatins between along and short waves and non-linear effects. For barred beaches, investigating potential long wave resonance. Water level fluctutautions may be relevant to rip current behaviour.
  • Bed Shear Stress in the Swash Zone and Sediment Transport
    Development of new instrumentation to directly measure bed shear stress in the swash zone, and compare with classical theory. Smooth, rough and mobile beds will be investigated. The results will be related to sediment transport measurements and field data.

Research Impacts

Community Impact Prof Baldock’s work is also relevant to a wide community and generates significant interest at the public level. This includes:

Channel 9 Television main evening news, “Measuring beach face morphodynamics”, 23rd October, 2003. NSW.

ABC National TV news, 17&18thth December 2005. All states and territories. New models for tsunami waves.

ABC State and Local Radio, 17&18th December 2005, NSW, VIC, QLD, WA. Tsunami modelling.

Online news: ABC, Yahoo, NASA earth observatory news. Tsunami modelling.

National and state newspapers (The Australian, IT Today, Tuesday 14th February 2006, ¼ page article, Courier Mail, QLD, Engineers Australia, January 2006). Breaking wave tsunami models

Channel 10s Totally Wild show, Broadcast nationally March, 2006. Tsunami experiments at UQ.

Perception, performance and economics of renewable energy technology in the Tourism Industry. ABC National Radio News, December 2007; ABC local radio, January 2008.

Beach erosion and planning laws in Queensland, State and local newspapers, November 2009.

Channel 10 News, QLD, Wind effects on storm surge impact at the coast, Nov 2010.

The Weekend Australian, Enquirer; Science Illustrated, Australian Geographic, March 2011, commentary on 2011 Japanese tsunami.

New Scientist, March 2011, commentary on a Science article on climate change on winds and waves

Scientific American, online news August 15th 2014, article on Taro community relocation project due to sea level rise

Newsweek, online news, 18th August 2014, article on Solomon Island community relocation

“Helping coastal managers plan better for future storms”, 2018.

“Dead coral to give new life to Great Barrier Reef” Media release from The Hon. Josh Frydenberg MP, Minister for the Environment and Energy, 2018

UQ News, UQ Research Impact, and submitted as an EOI for the ARC’s Engagement and Impact Assessment., feature on stabilising coral rubble on the Great Barrier Reef. This project was also featured in National Geographic Kids, 2018.

Academic impact Taking the ERA A* journal Coastal Engineering as the benchmark journal for applied Coastal Engineering research, Prof Baldock ranks 1st on the list of the most published authors in that journal over the preceding decade to the end of 2006, 2007, 2010, 2011, 2nd to the end of 2008 and 2009, and again 1st to the end of 2012.

Some recent media news is here:


  • Doctor of Philosophy of Civil Engineering, Imperial College London
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Imperial College London


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  • Master Philosophy

  • Doctor Philosophy

  • Doctor Philosophy

View all Supervision

Available Projects

  • ***NEW 1st February 2022***

    Ph.D. Scholarship in Civil and Marine Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, University of Queensland, Australia.

    Physical and numerical modelling of a wave energy converter

    Applications close 1st March 2022 or until filled

    A four-year Ph.D. student scholarship is available to study the mechanics of the M4 wave energy converter (, with a focus on identifying optimisation options for offshore aquaculture applications. The project will conduct experimental and numerical modelling and work within a new multi-institution project funded by the Blue Economy CRC: Seeding marine innovation in SW WA with a WEC deployment in Albany, led by the University of Western Australia.

    The scholarships are open to domestic Australian students (citizens or permanent residents) and international students (conditions apply).

    Further information and enquiries

    Please contact Professor Tom Baldock for further information or see the link below ( Applications must be submitted through the UQ Jobs portal following the link here

    Please contact me directly to discuss latest topics or to propose your own study topic. Ph.D. projects and potential scholarships are available as below. Please see publications for recent work on these themes.

    Topics of interest are:

    Ph.D. projects are available in the fields of:

    1. Swash Zone hydrodynamics and Sediment Transport
    2. Wave overtopping, including tsunami overtopping
    3. Coral reef hydrodynamics
    4. Impact of sea level rise on coastlines on open and reef-fronted coasts
    5. Surf zone processes and beach erosion
    6. Infrastructure for offshore aquaculture
    7. Wave energy conversion

View all Available Projects


Featured Publications

Book Chapter

  • Hughes, Michael G. and Baldock, Tom E. (2020). The swash zone. Sandy Beach Morphodynamics. (pp. 155-186) Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-08-102927-5.00008-4

  • Meyer, Jan H. F., Knight, David B, Baldock, Thomas E., Callaghan, David P., McCredden, Julie and O'Moore, Liza (2016). What to do with a threshold concept: a case study. Threshold concepts in practice. (pp. 195-209) edited by Ray Land, Jan H. F. Meyer and Michael T. Flanagan. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers. doi: 10.1007/978-94-6300-512-8_15

  • McCredden, J. E. and Baldock, T. (2011). More than one pathway to success: The effects of lecture attendance and Lectopia viewing on exam performance in large engineering classes. Engineering education: An Australian perspective. (pp. 471-486) edited by Stephen Grainger and Colin Kestell. Essex, England: Multi-Science Publishing.

  • Baldock, Tom E. and Peiris, Damitha (2011). Overtopping and run-up hazards induced by solitary waves and bores. The Tsunami Threat: Research and Technology. (pp. 47-66) edited by Nils-Axel Mörner. Rijeka, Croatia: InTech.

Journal Article

Conference Publication

  • Patterson, Dean, Nielsen, Peter, Callaghan, Dave and Baldock, Tom (2023). A process-based numerical model of shoreface profile evolution. International Conference on Coastal Engineering 2022, Sydney, Australia, 4-9 December.

  • Astorga-Moar, Alejandro and Baldock, Tom E. (2023). Assesment of Wave Overtopping on Reef-fronted Shores. 37th Conference on Coastal Engineering, Sydney, NSW Australia, 4-9 December 2022. Reston, VA United States: Coastal Engineering Research Council. doi: 10.9753/

  • Patel, Dhaval M., Wuppukondur, Ananth and Baldock, Tom (2023). Physical modelling of solitary wave overtopping in the presence of a coastal dune. 37th Conference on Coastal Engineering, Sydney, NSW Australia, 2-8 July 2022. Reston, VA United States: American Society of Civil Engineers. doi: 10.9753/icce.v37.structures.9

  • Blenkinsopp, Chris, Bayle, Paul, Baldock, Tom, Conley, Daniel and Masselink, Gerd (2023). Repeatability Of Morphological Change On A Sandy Beach Across Multiple Timescales. 37th Conference on Coastal Engineering, Sydney, NSW Australia, 4-9 December 2022. Reston, VA United States: Coastal Engineering Research Council. doi: 10.9753/icce.v37.sediment.1

  • Wuppukondur, Ananth, Deng, Wen, Liu, Dongfang, Callaghan, Dave and Baldock, Tom (2023). Hydrodynamic modelling on Heron Island to predict coral breakage and rubble motion. Australasian Coasts and Ports 2023 Conference, Twin Waters, QLD Australia, 15-18 August 2023. Barton, ACT Australia: Engineers Australia.

  • Wiegerink, Johannes, Baldock, Tom, Callaghan, David and Wang, Chien Ming (2023). Novel solution for mitigating sloshing in floating closed-containment aquaculture tanks. ASME 2023 42nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Melbourne, VIC Australia, 11–16 June 2023. New York, NY United States: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. doi: 10.1115/omae2023-102097

  • Thompson, Michael E., Watterson, Evan and Baldock, Tom E. (2022). Detailed assessment of surf amenity over reef and sand bottom surf breaks using wave peel tracking. Australasian Coasts and Ports 2021 Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, 30 November – 3 December 2021. Wellington, New Zealand: New Zealand Coastal Society.

  • Patel, Dhaval M., Wuppukondur, Ananth and Baldock, Tom E. (2022). Experimental investigation of tsunami runup reduction in the presence of a coastal dune. OCEANS Conference, Chennai, India, 21-24 February 2022. New York, NY USA: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. doi: 10.1109/OCEANSChennai45887.2022.9775376

  • Lancaster, Orrin, Cossu, Remo, Hunter, Scott and Baldock, Tom E. (2021). Scour prediction around an Oscillating Water Column Wave Energy Converter. European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Plymough, United Kingdom, 5-9 September 2021. Plymouth, United Kingdom: EWTEC 2021.

  • Topp, R., Adam, F., Baldock, T. and Wang, C. M. (2021). Universal gravity anchor solution for floating substructures – experimental studies in a wave flume. International Conference on Renewable Energies Offshore, Lisbon, Portugal, 12 - 15 October 2020. Boca Raton, FL, United States: CRC Press/Balkema. doi: 10.1201/9781003134572-43

  • Baldock, Tom and Ginzo, William (2020). Morphological response of a reef-fronted beach to sea level rise and reef degradation. Conference on Coastal Engineering 2020, Online, 6-9 October 2020. Reston, VA United States: American Society of Civil Engineers. doi: 10.9753/icce.v36v.sediment.1

  • Wuppukondur, Ananth and Baldock, Tom (2020). Modelling of tsunami wave overtopping in a converging channel. 22nd Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference AFMC2020, Brisbane, Australia, 7-10 December 2020. Brisbane, Australia: The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/042c06b

  • Thompson, Michael, Watterson, Evan and Baldock, Tom (2020). Assessment of surf amenity using computer vision with convolutional neural networks to track wave pockets. 22nd Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference AFMC2020, Brisbane, Australia, 7-10 December 2020. Brisbane, Australia: The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/767544c

  • H. Fernandez, Carlos, Richter, Matthew and Baldock, Tom E. (2020). Development and Testing of a Buoyant Parabolic Beach As an Efficient Floating Breakwater. 22nd Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference AFMC2020, Brisbane, QLD Australia, 7-10 December 2020. Brisbane, QLD Australia: The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/67cee61

  • Wuppukondur, A. and Baldock, T. E. (2020). Flow hydrodynamics and scour around bridge pier during tsunami propagation in coastal rivers. Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, Delft, Netherlands, 7-10 July 2020. Boca Raton, FL, United States: CRC Press/Balkema. doi: 10.1201/b22619-108

  • Jiang, Wenping, Davies, Gareth, Callaghan, David P., Baldock, Tom and Nichol, Scott (2020). Statistical modelling of extreme ocean climate with incorporation of storm clustering. 21st International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, MODSIM 2015, Gold Coast, Australia, 29 November - 4 December 2015. Canberra, ACT, Australia: Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand Inc. (MSSANZ).

  • Atkinson, Alexander and Baldock, Tom (2018). Physical modelling of the response of non-nourished and nourished beach profiles to storm surge or sea level rise. Proceedings of the 36th International Conference: Coastal Engineering 2018, Baltimore, MD USA, 30 July-3 August 2018. Reston, VA United States: American Society of Civil Engineers.

  • Shazril, M., Ibrahim, I. and Baldock, T. E. (2018). Overtopping of random waves along a truncated plane beach. 28th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE 2018, Sapporo, Japan, 10 - 15 June 2018. Mountain View, CA United States: International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers.

  • Cavaleri, Luigi, Baldock, Tom, Bertotti, Luciana, Langodan, Sabique, Olfateh, Mohammad and Pezzutto, Paolo (2018). What a sudden downpour reveals about wind wave generation. IUTAM Symposium on Wind Waves, London, United Kingdom, 4-8 September 2017. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier . doi: 10.1016/j.piutam.2018.03.007

  • Callaghan, David P., Baldock, Tom E., Shabani, Behnam and Mumby, Peter J. (2017). Bayesian Belief Networks-communicating model predictions to nonexpert end users. Australasian Coasts and Ports 2017 Conference, Cairns, QLD Australia, 21-23 June 2017. Barton, ACT Australia: Engineers Australia, PIANC Australia and Institute of Professional Engineers New Zealand.

  • Baldock, Tom (2017). Message from the conference organising committee. Australasian Coasts and Ports 2017 Conference, Cairns, QLD Australia, 21-23 June 2017. Mulhouse, France: European Physical Society.

  • Baldock, Tom E., Wu, Sheng, Moura, Theo, Fung, Katrina, McCall, Emma, Hutley, Nicholas and Hen, Edwyn (2017). Physical modelling of wave setup in deep and shallow mobile bed river entrances. Australasian Coasts and Ports 2017 Conference, Cairns, QLD, Australia, June 21, 2017-June 23, 2017. Barton, ACT, Australia: Engineers Australia.

  • Atkinson, Alexander, Shimamoto, Tomoko, Wu, Sheng, Birrien, Florent and Baldock, Tom E. (2015). Beach profile evolution under cyclic wave climates. Australasian Coasts & Ports Conference 2015: 22nd Australasian Coastal and Ocean Engineering Conference and the 15th Australasian Port and Harbour Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, 15 - 18 September 2015. Australian Coasts and Ports.

  • Olfateh, Mohammad, Callaghan, David P., Baldock, Tom E. and Nielsen, Peter (2015). Tropical Cyclones asymmetry, parametric presentation and discussion. Australasian Coasts & Ports Conference 2015, Auckland, New Zealand, 15-18 September 2015. Auckland, New Zealand: Engineers Australia and IPENZ.

  • Jiang, Zhonglian and Baldock, Tom E. (2014). Bed shear stress measurements over rough fixed and mobile sediment beds in swash flows. International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Seoul, Korea, 15-20 June 2014. San Francisco, CA, United States: Coastal Engineering Research Council. doi: 10.9753/icce.v34.currents.40

  • You, Zai-Jin, Laine, Ray, Hanslow, David J., Baldock, Tom and Wiecek, Daniel (2014). Field measurements of beach-dune dynamic profiles to assess erosion hazard on the coast of NSW, Australia. International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Seoul, Korea, 15-20 June 2014. San Francisco, CA, United States: Coastal Engineering Research Council. doi: 10.9753/

  • Alsina, Jose M., Caceres, Ivan, van der Zanden, Joep, Ribberink, Jan S. and Baldock, Tom E. (2014). Large scale experiments on beach evolution induced by bichromatic wave groups with varying group period. International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Seoul, Korea, 15-20 June 2014. San Francisco, CA, United States: Coastal Engineering Research Council. doi: 10.9753/icce.v34.sediment.3

  • Shabani, Behnam, Nielsen, Peter and Baldock, Thomas (2014). Observations of nearshore and surf zone wind stress. 34th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Seoul, South Korea, 15-20 June 2014. Los Angeles, CA, United States: Coastal Engineering Research Council. doi: 10.9753/icce.v34.waves.50

  • Javier, L., Woodroffe, C., Phinn, S. R., Hamylton, S., Callagan, D. P., Baldock, T. E. and Saunders, M. I. (2013). A sediment budget for Lizard Island, northern Great Barrier Reef. The 8th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology: Geomorphology and Sustainability, Paris, France, 27-31 August 2013.

  • Power, Hannah E., Atkinson, Alexander L., Hammond, Tim and Baldock, Tom E. (2013). Accuracy of wave runup formula on contrasting southeast Australian beaches. Coasts and Ports 2013: 21st Australasian Coastal and Ocean Engineering Conference and the 14th Australasian Port and Harbour Conference, Manly, NSW Australia, 11-13 September 2013. Barton, ACT Australia: Engineers Australia.

  • Saunders, Megan I., Baldock, Tom, Brown, Christopher J., Callaghan, David P., Golshani, Aliastair, Hamylton, Sarah, Leon, Javier, Lovelock, Catherine E., Lyons, Mitchell B., O'Brien, Katherine R., Mumby, Peter J., Phinn, Stuart R. and Roelfsema, Christiaan M. (2013). Direct and indirect impacts of predicted sea level rise on seagrass. AMSA 2013: Australian Marine Science Golden Jubilee Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 7-11 July 2013. Kilkivan, QLD, Australia: Australian Marine Science Association (AMSA).

  • Knight, David B., Meyer, Jan H. F., Baldock, Tom E., Callaghan, David P. and McCredden, Julie (2013). Embedding metacognitive exercises in the curriculum to boost students' conceptual understanding. AAEE 2013: 24th Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, 8-11 December, 2013. Nathan, QLD, Australia: Griffith School of Engineering, Griffith University.

  • E Watterson, E., You, B., Baldock, T., Callaghan, D. and Nielsen, P. (2013). Flooding tailwater levels for NSW coastal entrances. 22nd NSW Coastal Conference, Port Macquarie, NSW, Australia, 12-15 November, 2013. Coffs Harbour, NSW, Australia: East Coast Conferences.

  • Baldock, Tom E. and Alsina, Jose (2013). Impact of beach scraping on near shore sediment transport and bar migration. Coasts and Ports 2013: 21st Australasian Coastal and Ocean Engineering Conference and the 14th Australasian Port and Harbour Conference, Manly, NSW Australia, 11-13 September 2013. Barton, ACT Australia: Engineers Australia.

  • McPherson, B., Young, S., Modra, B., Couriel, E., You, B., Hanslow, D., Callaghan, D., Baldock, T. and Nielsen, P. (2013). Penetration of tides and tidal anomalies in new south wales estuaries. Australasian Coastal and Ocean Engineering Conference and the Australasian Port and Harbour Conference, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 11-13 September 2013. Barton, ACT, Australia: Engineers Australia.

  • Moura, Theo, Olfateh, Mohammad, Callaghan, David, Nielsen, Peter, You, Bob and Baldock, Tom (2013). Tidal amplitude and wave setup in trained and untrained river entrances. Coasts and Ports 2013: 21st Australasian Coastal and Ocean Engineering Conference and the 14th Australasian Port and Harbour Conference, Manly, NSW, Australia, 11-13 September, 2013. Barton, ACT, Australia: Engineers Australia.

  • Hughes, Michael G., Aagaard, Troels, Baldock, Tom E. and Power, Hannah E. (2013). Wave runup (swash) spectra on natural beaches: morphodynamic controls. Coasts and Ports 2013: 21st Australasian Coastal and Ocean Engineering Conference and the 14th Australasian Port and Harbour Conference, Manly, NSW Australia, 11-13 September 2013. Barton, ACT Australia: Engineers Australia.

  • Golshani, Aliasghar, Baldock, Tom E., Mumby, Peter J., Callaghan, David, Nielsen, Peter and Phinn, Stuart (2012). Climate impacts on hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics at reef islands. 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns, Australia, 9-3 July 2012. Townsville, Australia: James Cook University.

  • Wainwright, D., Baldock, T. and Callaghan, D. (2012). Coastal Lagoon Entrance Management - What can models tell us?. 21st NSW Coastal Conference, Kiama, NSW, Australia, 6-9 November 2012. Australia: New South Wales Coastal Conference.

  • Seelam, Jaya Kumar and Baldock, Tom E. (2012). Measurement and modeling of solitary wave induced bed shear stress over a rough bed. International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE2012), Santander, Spain, 1-6 July 2012. United States: Coastal Engineering Research Council. doi: 10.9753/icce.v33.waves.21

  • Othman, Ilya Khairanis, Baldock, Tom E. and Callaghan, David P. (2012). Measurement and modeling of the influence of grain size and pressure gradients on swash zone sediment transport. International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE2012), Santander, Spain, 1-6 July 2012. United States: Coastal Engineering Research Council. doi: 10.9753/icce.v33.sediment.58

  • Meyer, Jan, Knight, David, Baldock, Tom, Kizil, Mehmet, O'Moore, Liza and Callaghan, David (2012). Scoping metalearning opportunity in the first three years of engineering. 23rd Annual Conference of the Australasian Association of Engineering Education (AAEE 2012), Melbourne, Australia, 3 - 5 December 2012. Melbourne, Australia: Swinburne University of Technology.

  • Wainwright, D. J., Baldock, T. E. and Callaghan, D. P. (2012). Statistical modelling of coastal lagoon barrier height to inform coastal design and planning. Coast to Coast 2012, Brisbane, Australia, 17-21 September 2012.

  • Aliasghar, G., Baldock, T. E., Mumby, P. and Callaghan, D. P. (2012). Study of climate change impact on reef island shores using the swan model. Coast to Coast 2012, Brisbane, Australia, 17-21 September 2012.

  • Shabani, Behnam, Nielsen, Peter and Baldock, Thomas E. (2011). Field observations of wind stress over surf zone. 21st International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-2011, Maui, HI United States, 19 - 24 June 2011. Mountain View, CA United States: International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers.

  • Baldock, T. E., Alsina, J. A., Caceres, I., Manoonvoravong, P. and Pham, Kim Son (2011). Influence of surf-beat on beach morphology and sediment transport. 34th IAHR World Congress, 33rd Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium and 10th Conference on Hydraulics in Water Engineering, Brisbane, Australia, 26 June-1 July 2011. Brisbane, Australia: Engineers Australia.

  • Power, H. E. and Baldock, T. E. (2011). Measurement and modelling of hydrodynamics at the surf-swash boundary. 34th World Congress of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR): 33rd Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium and 10th Conference on Hydraulics in Water Engineering, Brisbane, Australia, 26 June - 1 July 2011. Barton, ACT, Australia: Engineers Australia.

  • Wainwright, D. J., Kidd, L. J., Guard, P. A. and Baldock, T. E. (2011). Morphodynamic modelling of entrance breakout for a coastal lake. Coasts and Ports 2011, Perth, Australia, 28-30 September 2011. Barton, ACT, Australia: Engineers Australia.

  • Callaghan David P., Stewart, Jared, Nielsen, Peter and Baldock, Tom E. (2011). Storm surge estimates using wind stress coefficients determined from wind-wave growth observations. 20th Australasian Coastal and Ocean Engineering Conference and the 13th Australasian Port and Harbour Conference, Perth, Australia, 28-30 September 2011. Nedlands, W.A., Australia: The University of Western Australia.

  • Seelam, Jaya Kumar and Baldock, Tom E (2011). Tsunami induced bed Shear stresses on Northwest Coast of Australia. AOGS2011 8thAnnual Meeting and Geosciences World Community Exhibition, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China, 8-12 August, 2011.

  • Seelam, J. K. and Baldock, T. E. (2011). Tsunami induced shear stresses along submarine canyon off southeast coast of India. 6th International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts (APAC 2011), Hong Kong, China, 14-16 December 2011. Hong Kong, China: World Scientific Publishing. doi: 10.1142/9789814366489_0192

  • Shabani, Behnam, Nielsen, Peter and Baldock, Tom (2011). Wave setup: a non-linear approach. ISOPE-2011: 21st International Offshore (Ocean) and Polar Engineering Conference & Exhibition, Maui, HI, USA, 19-24 June 2011. Mountain View, CA, United States: International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers.

  • Baldock, T. E., Grayson, R., Torr, B. and Power, H. E. (2010). Flow convergence at the tip and edges of a viscous dam break wave.

  • Baldock, T. E., Grayson, R., Torr, B. and Power, H. E. (2010). Flow convergence at the tip and edges of a viscous dam break wave. 17AFMC: 17th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Auckland, N.Z., 5-9 December 2010. Auckland, New Zealand: Australasian Fluid Mechanics Society.

  • Seelam, Jaya Kumar and Baldock, Tom E. (2010). Measurements and modeling of direct bed shear stress under solitary waves. 9th International Conference on Hydro-Science and Engineering, Chennai, India, 2-5 August 2010. Chennai, India: IIT Madras.

  • Jensen, Stine Gro, Aagaard, Troels and Baldock, Tom E. (2010). Swash zone bed level changes and sediment entrainment at the surf-swash boundary. 32nd International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ICCE 2010, Shanghai, 30 June-5 July 2010. Reston, VA United Statesr: American Society of Civil Engineers. doi: 10.9753/icce.v32.sediment.28

  • Baldock, Tom E., Barnes, Matthew P. and Power, Hannah E. (2010). Wind wave run-up: Swash zone hydrodynamics and sediment transport. The Australian Wind-Waves Research Science Symposium 2010, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, 19-20 May 2010. Melbourne, Australia: Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research.

  • Guard, Paul Andrew, Baldock, Tom E. and Nielsen, Peter (2009). Bed shear stress in unsteady flow. Coasts and Ports 2009, Wellington, New Zealand, 16 - 18 September 2009. Wellington, New Zeaalnd: ICCE. doi: 10.9753/icce.v32.sediment.8

  • Baldock, TE (2009). Bound wave release induced by short wave breaking-true or false?. 6th International Conference on Coastal Dynamics, Tokyo JAPAN, SEP 07-11, 2009. Singapore, Singapore: WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO INC.

  • Seelam, JK and Baldock, Thomas E. (2009). Direct bed shear stress measurements under solitary tsunami-type waves and breaking tsunami wave fronts. 6th International Conference on Coastal Dynamics, Tokyo JAPAN, SEP 07-11, 2009. Singapore, Singapore: WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO INC, 687 HARTWELL ST, TEANECK, NJ 07666 USA.

  • Barnes, Matthew, Alsina, Jose M. and Baldock, Tom E. (2009). Lagrangian modelling and direct bed shear stress measurement in the swash zone. 31st International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Hamburg, Germany, 31 August - 5 September 2008. New Jersey, United States: World Scientific. doi: 10.1142/9789814277426_0125

  • Alsina, J. M., Caceres, I, Sospedra, J. and Baldock, T. E. (2009). Lagrangian modelling of suspended sediment in the swash zone. 10th International Coastal Symposium (ICS 2009), Lisborn, Portugal, 13-18 April 2009. West Palm Beach, FL, United States: Coastal Education & Research Foundation.

  • McCredden, J. E. and Baldock, T. (2009). More than one pathway to success: Lecture attendance, Lectopia viewing and exam performance in large Engineering classes. 20th Annual Conference for the Australasian Association for Engineering Education, Adelaide, S.A., Australia, 6-9 December 2009. Adelaide, S.A., Australia: The University of Adelaide.

  • Power, HE, Palmsten, M, Holman, RA and Baldock, Thomas E. (2009). Remote sensing of swash zone boundary conditions using video and argus. 6th International Conference on Coastal Dynamics, Tokyo JAPAN, SEP 07-11, 2009. Singapore, Singapore: WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBL CO INC.

  • Greenwood, B., Brander, R. W., Joseph, E., Hughes, M. G., Baldock, T. E. and Aagaard, T. (2009). Sediment flux in a rip channel on a barred intermediate beach under low wave energy. 1st International Conference on Physical Coastal Processes, Management and Engineering, Malta, 14-16 September 2009. Southampton, United Kingdom: WIT Press. doi: 10.2495/CP090181

  • Baldock, T. E., Morrison, N., Shimamoto, T., Barnes, Matthew P., Gray, D. and Nielsen, O. (2007). Application and testing of the ANUGA Tsunami Model for overtopping and coastal sediment transport. Coasts and Ports 2007: 18th Australasian Coastal and Ocean Engineering and 11th Australasian Ports and Harbour Conferences. Coasts and Ports, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 19-20 July 2007. Barton, ACT, Australia: Institution of Engineers, Australia.

  • Baldock, T. E., Manoonvoravong, P. and Pham, K. S. (2007). Beachface morphology and surf beat sediment transport in laboratory scale surf and swash zones. 9th International Coastal Symposium, Gold Coast, Australia, 16-20 April, 2007. Fort Lauderdale, Fla., USA: Coastal Education and Research Foundation.

  • Baldock, Tom, Weir, F. and Hughes, M. G. (2007). Berm growth and closure of a coastal lagoon entrance by swash overwash. Coasts and Ports 2007, Crown Promenade Hotel, Melbourne, Victoria, 18 - 20 July 2007. Nth Melbourne, VIC: Engineers Australia.

  • Alsina, J. M., Sanchez-Archilla, A., Gironella, X. and Baldock, T. E. (2007). Design of scaled movable bed experiments using numerical models. 9th International Coastal Symposium, Gold Coast, Australia, 16-20 April, 2007. Fort Lauderdale, Fla., USA: Coastal Education and Research Foundation.

  • Barnes, Matthew and Baldock, Tom E. (2007). Direct Bed Shear Stress Measurements in Bore-Driven Swash and Swash Interactions. 6th International Symposium on Coastal Engineering and Science of Coastal Sediment Processes, New Orleans, Louisiana, 13 - 17 May 2007. Reston, Virginia: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). doi: 10.1061/40926(239)153

  • Barnes, M. and Baldock, Thomas E. (2007). Direct bed shear stress measurements in laboratory swash. 9th International Coastal Symposium, Gold Coast, Australia, 16-20 April, 2007. Fort Lauderdale, Fla., USA: Coastal Education and Research Foundation.

  • Guard, P., Teakle, I., Nielsen, P. and Baldock, T. E. (2007). Modelling sheet flow sediment transport using convolution integrals. Sixth International Symposium on Coastal Engineering and Science of Coastal Sediment Process, New Orleans, Louisiana, 13-17 May, 2007. West Palm Beach, FL, United States: Coastal Education and Research Foundation. doi: 10.1061/40926(239)22

  • Baldock, T. E., Barnes, M. P., Guard, P. A., Hie, Thomas, Hanslow, D., Ranasinghe, R., Gray, D. and Nielsen, O. (2007). Modelling tsunami inundation on coastlines with characteristic form. 16th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (AFMC), Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, 3-7 December, 2007. Brisbane, Australia: School of Engineering, The University of Queensland.

  • Baldock, T. E., Kim Son, P., Manoonvoravong, P., Barnes, M. P. and Alsina, J. M. (2007). Probabilistic-deterministic modelling of swash zone morphology. Coastal Sediments 2007, New Orleans, United States, 13-17 May 2007. Reston, VA, United States: World Scientific Publishing. doi: 10.1061/40926(239)21

  • Teakle, I., Guard, P., Baldock, T. and Nielsen, P. (2007). Sheetflow sediment transport modeling including boundary layer streaming. 30th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, San Diego, California, 3-8 September 2006. USA: World Scientific Publishing. doi: 10.1142/9789812709554_0190

  • Horn, Diane P., Baldock, Tom E. and Li, Ling (2007). The Influence of Groundwater on Profile Evolution of Fine and Coarse Sand Beaches. Coastal Sediments 07, New Orleans, Louisiana, 13-17 May, 2007. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). doi: 10.1061/40926(239)38

  • Barnes, M. P. and Baldock, T. E. (2006). Bed shear stress measurements in dam break and swash flows. International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering (ICCEE-2006), The University of Hiroshima, 28-29 September, 2006.

  • Callaghan, D. P., Callaghan, J., Nielsen, P. and Baldock, T. E. (2006). Generation of extreme wave conditions from an accelerating tropical cyclone. 30th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, San Diego, U.S., 3–8 September, 2006. Hackensack, N.J. ; London: World Scientific. doi: 10.1142/9789812709554_0064

  • Guard, Paul, Teakle, Ian, Nielsen, Peter and Baldock, Tom (2006). Sheet flow sediment transport modelling using convolution integrals. 30th International Conference of Coastal Engineering, San Diego, CA, United States, 3 - 8 Septmeber 2006. Hackensack, N.J. ; London: World Scientific. doi: 10.1142/9789812709554_0189

  • Baldock, T. E. and O'Hare, T. J. (2005). Energy transfer and dissipation during surf beat conditions. 29th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ICCE 2004, Lisbon, , September 19, 2004-September 24, 2004. American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). doi: 10.1142/9789812701916-0096

  • Weir, F., Baldock, T. E. and Hughes, M. G. (2005). Berm Development and Closure on a Gently Sloping Beach. 5th International Conference on Coastal Dynamics, Barcelona, Spain, April 4-8 2005. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers. doi: 10.1061/40855(214)12

  • Baldock, T. E., Barnes, M. P. and Hughes, M. G. (2005). Field Observations of Instantaneous Cross-Shore Free Surface Profiles and Flow Depths in the Swash Zone. 5th International Conference on Coastal Dynamics, Barcelona, Spain, 4-8 April 2005. Reston, VA United States: American Society of Civil Engineers. doi: 10.1061/40855(214)101

  • Guard, P. A., Baldock, T. and Nielsen, P. (2005). General solutions for the initial run-up of a breaking tsunami front. International Symposium Disaster Reduction on Coasts, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 14-16 November 2005. Melbourne, VIC, Australia: Monash University.

  • Robinson, C., Baldock, T. E., Horn, D. P., Gibbes, B., Hughes, M. G., Nielsen, P. and Li, L. (2005). Measurement of groundwater and swash interactions on a sandy beach. 5th International Conference on Coastal Dynamics, Barcelona, Spain, 4-8 April 2005. Red Hook, NY United States: Curran Associates. doi: 10.1061/40855(214)104

  • Guard, P. A., Baldock, T.E. and Nielsen, P. (2005). Method of characteristics solutions for swash zone hydrodynamics. International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering 2005, Japan, 26-27 October 2005. Japan: Hiroshima University.

  • Callaghan D., Nielsen P. and Baldock T. (2005). Practical aspects of coastal morphodynamic model calibration. 17th Australasian Coastal and Ocean Engineering Conference 2005, COASTS 2005 and the 10th Australasian Port and Harbour Conference 2005, PORTS 2005, Adelaide, SA, September 20, 2005-September 23, 2005.

  • Alsina, J. M., Baldock, T. E., Hughes, M. G., Weir, F. and Sierra, J. P. (2005). Sediment Transport Numerical Modelling in the Swash Zone. 5th International Conference on Coastal Dynamics, Barcelona, Spain, April 4-8 2005. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers. doi: 10.1061/40855(214)105

  • Cartwright, Nick, Baldock, Tom E., Nielsen, Peter, Jeng, Dong-Sheng and Tao, Longbin (2005). Swash-aquifer interaction in sandy beaches. 17th Australasian Coastal and Ocean Engineering Conference 2005, COASTS 2005 and the 10th Australasian Port and Harbour Conference 2005, PORTS 2005, Perth, WA, Australia, 20-23 September 2005. Barton, ACT, Australia: Institution of Engineers.

  • Weir, F.M., Hughes, M G and Baldock, T.E. (2004). A methodology for predicting berm crest elevation fronting coastal lagoons. 8th National Conference on Hydraulics in Water Engineering, Gold Coast, Australia, 13-16 July 2004. Australia: Engineers Australia.

  • Baldock, T.E. (2004). Dynamics of a transient wave group breaking on a beach. 15th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (15 AFMC), University of Sydney, 13-17 December 2004. Sydney, Australia: University of Sydney.

  • Baldock, T. E. and Hare, T. J. (2004). Energy transfer and dissipation during surf beat conditions. 29th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, 19-24 September 2004. New Jersey, United States: World Scientific Publishing. doi: 10.1142/9789812701916_0096

  • Hughes, M G and Baldock, T.E. (2004). Measured and modelled flow velocities in the Swash Zone of a Steep Beach: With implications for sediment transport modelling. 8th National Conference on Hydraulics in Water Engineering, Gold Coast, Australia, 13-16 July 2004. Australia: Engineers Australia.

  • Ang, L.S., Sum, C.H-Y., Baldock, T.E., Li, L. and Nielsen, P. (2004). Measurement and modelling of controlled beach groundwater levels under wave action. 15th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference (15 AFMC), University of Sydney, 13-17 December 2004. Sydney, Australia: University of Sydney.

  • Callaghan, D., Baldock, T. E., Nielsen, P., Hanes, D., Haas, K. and MacMahan, J. (2004). Pulsing and circulation in rip current system. 26th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal, 19 - 24 September, 2004. City of Singapore, Singapore: World Scientific. doi: 10.1142/9789812701916-0119

  • Baldock, T.E., Day, K, Hughes, M G and Weir, F.M. (2004). Swash overtopping and sediment transport - application to bermed beaches and lagoon entrances. 8th National Conference on Hydraulics in Water Engineering, Gold Coast, Australia, 13-16 July 2004. Australia: Engineers Australia.

  • Baldock, T. E., Huntley, D. A., Chan, S. T. A. and O'Hare, T. J. (2002). Surf Beat Kinematics Induced by Random Waves. 28th International Conference of Coastal Engineering, Cardiff, Wales, 7 - 12 July 2002. World Scientific. doi: 10.1142/9789812791306_0096

  • O'Hare, T. J., Baldock, T. E., Huntley, D. A., Bird, P. A D and Bullock, G. N. (2000). Free long wave - Short wave interaction in a surf zone.

  • Baldock, Tom, Chadwick, Andrew, Simmonds, David and van Wellen, Eric (2000). STRAND: A Model for Longshore Sediment Transport in the Swash Zone. Proceedings, 27th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Sydney, 2005. doi: 10.1061/40549(276)244

  • Baird, Andrew J., Mason, Travis E., Horn, Diane P. and Baldock, Thomas E. (1997). Monitoring and modelling ground water behaviour in sandy beaches as a basis for improved models of swash zone sediment transport. ASCE.

  • Baldock, Tom E. and Holmes, Patrick (1997). Swash hydrodynamics on a steep beach. ASCE.

  • Holmes, Patrick, Baldock, Thomas E., Chan, Ray T C and Neshaei, M. Ahmad L (1997). Beach evolution under random waves. ASCE.

  • Baldock, Thomas E. and Holmes, Patrick (1997). Pressure gradients within sediment beds. ASCE.

Other Outputs

Grants (Administered at UQ)

PhD and MPhil Supervision

Current Supervision

  • Master Philosophy — Principal Advisor

    Other advisors:

  • Doctor Philosophy — Principal Advisor

  • Doctor Philosophy — Principal Advisor

  • Doctor Philosophy — Principal Advisor

  • Doctor Philosophy — Principal Advisor

  • Doctor Philosophy — Principal Advisor

    Other advisors:

  • Doctor Philosophy — Principal Advisor

  • Doctor Philosophy — Associate Advisor

    Other advisors:

  • Doctor Philosophy — Associate Advisor

Completed Supervision

Possible Research Projects

Note for students: The possible research projects listed on this page may not be comprehensive or up to date. Always feel free to contact the staff for more information, and also with your own research ideas.

  • ***NEW 1st February 2022***

    Ph.D. Scholarship in Civil and Marine Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, University of Queensland, Australia.

    Physical and numerical modelling of a wave energy converter

    Applications close 1st March 2022 or until filled

    A four-year Ph.D. student scholarship is available to study the mechanics of the M4 wave energy converter (, with a focus on identifying optimisation options for offshore aquaculture applications. The project will conduct experimental and numerical modelling and work within a new multi-institution project funded by the Blue Economy CRC: Seeding marine innovation in SW WA with a WEC deployment in Albany, led by the University of Western Australia.

    The scholarships are open to domestic Australian students (citizens or permanent residents) and international students (conditions apply).

    Further information and enquiries

    Please contact Professor Tom Baldock for further information or see the link below ( Applications must be submitted through the UQ Jobs portal following the link here

    Please contact me directly to discuss latest topics or to propose your own study topic. Ph.D. projects and potential scholarships are available as below. Please see publications for recent work on these themes.

    Topics of interest are:

    Ph.D. projects are available in the fields of:

    1. Swash Zone hydrodynamics and Sediment Transport
    2. Wave overtopping, including tsunami overtopping
    3. Coral reef hydrodynamics
    4. Impact of sea level rise on coastlines on open and reef-fronted coasts
    5. Surf zone processes and beach erosion
    6. Infrastructure for offshore aquaculture
    7. Wave energy conversion