Dr Stephen Sanderson

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology


Stephen is currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Bernhardt group at the University of Queensland. His current research is focused on the theory of nonequilibrium statistical mechanics and molecular dynamics.

Stephen completed a double degree in electrical engineering and physics at James Cook University, followed by a PhD in physics, also at James Cook University, under the supervision of Prof. Ronald White and Dr Bronson Philippa, as well as the University of Queensland's Prof. Paul Burn and Prof. Alan Mark. His PhD focused on using kinetic Monte-Carlo simulations of charge and exciton dynamics, coupled with atomistic molecular dynamics deposition simulations to establish a better understanding of structure-property relationships in organic semiconductors, particularly organic light-emitting diodes.


  • Doctor of Philosophy, James Cook University


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  • Doctor Philosophy

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