Associate Professor Bevan Koopman

Principal Research Fellow

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology

Principal Research Fellow

School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology



  • Doctor of Philosophy, Queensland University of Technology


  • Zuccon, Guido, Koopman, Bevan and Shaik, Razia (2023). ChatGPT hallucinates when attributing answers. SIGIR-AP 2023 - Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval in the Asia Pacific Region, Beijing, China, 26 - 28 November 2023. New York, NY United States: Association for Computing Machinery. doi: 10.1145/3624918.3625329

  • Koopman, Bevan and Zuccon, Guido (2023). Dr ChatGPT tell me what I want to hear: how different prompts impact health answer correctness. EMNLP 2023 - 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Singapore, 6-10 December 2023. Stroudsburg, PA, United States: Association for Computational Linguistics. doi: 10.18653/v1/2023.emnlp-main.928

  • Zhuang, Shengyao, Liu, Bing, Koopman, Bevan and Zuccon, Guido (2023). Open-source large language models are strong zero-shot query likelihood models for document ranking. Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Singapore, 6-10 December 2023. Stroudsburg, PA, United States: Association for Computational Linguistics. doi: 10.18653/v1/2023.findings-emnlp.590

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Journal Article

Conference Publication

  • Zuccon, Guido, Koopman, Bevan and Shaik, Razia (2023). ChatGPT hallucinates when attributing answers. SIGIR-AP 2023 - Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval in the Asia Pacific Region, Beijing, China, 26 - 28 November 2023. New York, NY United States: Association for Computing Machinery. doi: 10.1145/3624918.3625329

  • Koopman, Bevan and Zuccon, Guido (2023). Dr ChatGPT tell me what I want to hear: how different prompts impact health answer correctness. EMNLP 2023 - 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Singapore, 6-10 December 2023. Stroudsburg, PA, United States: Association for Computational Linguistics. doi: 10.18653/v1/2023.emnlp-main.928

  • Zhuang, Shengyao, Liu, Bing, Koopman, Bevan and Zuccon, Guido (2023). Open-source large language models are strong zero-shot query likelihood models for document ranking. Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Singapore, 6-10 December 2023. Stroudsburg, PA, United States: Association for Computational Linguistics. doi: 10.18653/v1/2023.findings-emnlp.590

  • Hunter, Jane, Schroeter, Ronald, Koopman, Bevan and Henderson, Michael (2004). Using the Semantic Grid to Build Bridges between Museums and Indigenous Communities. Global Grid Forum: Semantic Grid Applications Workshop, Honolulu, Hawaii, 6-10 June, 2004.

  • Hunter, Jane, Koopman, Bevan and Sledge, Jane (2003). Software Tools for Indigenous Knowledge Management. Museums and the Web 2003, Charlotte, North Carolina, March 2003.

Other Outputs

  • Li, Hang, Zuccon, Guido, Koopman, Bevan and Mourad, Ahmed (2022). Agvaluate. The University of Queensland. (Dataset) doi: 10.48610/0160dc7