Associate Professor Carlos Spier

Associate Professor

School of the Environment
Faculty of Science

Associate Professor

School of the Environment
Faculty of Science
+61 7 334 64134


I am a professional geologist with over 30 years of technical and managerial experience, working for large organisations such as Vale and BHP Billiton, participating and managing complex projects in South America, Australia, and West Africa. Skilled in leading technical services and geological exploration for underground and open pit mines, my career experience includes exploration, mine geology and resource estimations of multiple commodities, geometallurgical studies, mine-to-mill reconciliations, project management and project evaluation.

I have a profound interest in earth sciences and mining. The development and training of junior professionals and geoscientists was one of my passions in the industry. Both interests led me to recently join the academia. My research interests are in the areas of economic geology, exploration geochemistry, geometallurgy and ore body modelling.

Research Interests

  • Economic Geology
    Genesis of ore deposits, particularly iron ore and supergenic ores.
  • Exploration Geochemistry
  • Ore Body and Geometallurgical Modelling


  • Doctor of Philosophy of Geology and Mineralogy, Universidade de São Paulo (USP)


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PhD and MPhil Supervision

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