Professor Peter Liesch


School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law


School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law

of UQ Business School

School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
+61 7 334 68174


Peter Liesch is Professor of International Business at the UQ Business School, The University of Queensland, Australia. He is Discipline Leader of the International Business Group in the UQ Business School. His Ph.D in Economics on the topic of Government-Mandated Countertrade was awarded by The University of Queensland. His research interests are firm internationalization and international business operations in their entirety. He previously held the position of Professor and Head of the School of Management and occasional Acting Dean and Associate Academic Dean, Faculty of Commerce and Law, The University of Tasmania. At The University of Queensland, he championed the formation of the UQ Business School in the early 2000s. He has been a Vice-President (Administration) of the AIB. He is a Fellow of the AIB and an Advisory Board Member of the AIB Research Methods-Shared Interest Group, Professional Member of the Australian Economic Society Queensland branch, and a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Managers and Leaders.

His publications appear in the international business suite of journals, the Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of World Business, Management International Review, International Business Review, Journal of International Management, International Journal of Human Resource Management, and in the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Operations Management, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Management Studies, and others. He was awarded a Fiftieth Anniversary Silver Medal for publications in the Journal of International Business Studies in 2019. He serves as an Area Editor of the Journal of International Business Studies, and has been a Senior Editor at the Journal of World Business and the Australian Journal of Management. He has co-edited Special Issues with the Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of World Business, Management International Review and the Journal of Business Research.

Peter co-authored the textbooks, Dowling, P., Liesch, P.W., Gray, S. and C.W.L. Hill. (2009). International Business, Asia-Pacific Edition, McGraw-Hill, Sydney; and Hill, C.W.L., Hult, T., Wickramasekera, R., Liesch, P.W. and K. Mackenzie. (2017). Global Business: Asia-Pacific Perspective. McGraw-Hill, New York. He was an early adopter of the AIB 39 Country Initiative with a container of textbooks delivered to Riara University, Kenya, 2016, from the UQ Business School. He was seconded to The University of the South Pacific in the early 1980s, in Western Samoa and Fiji, applying his early education in agricultural economics, which he also put to use on his own farm at the time. He has held three Australian Research Council Grants with co-researchers, Institutional logics in organisations: The interplay between managerial and professional logics in hospitals (2009–2015) ARC Linkage Projects; Through the eyes of the Chinese: Attitudes to and opinions of Australia and their influence on Sino-Australian business exchange (2007–2010) ARC Linkage Projects; and A Study of Dynamic Capabilities in Australian and US Born Global Firms (2005–2007) ARC Discovery Projects. He is a partner in a AUD7 million Australian Strategic University Reform Fund Grant in Agri-Food Innovation in Australia, recently (2021) awarded to The University of Queensland, researching agri-food global value chains for Australian firm participation.


  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Queensland
  • Masters (Coursework), University of New England Australia
  • Postgraduate Diploma, University of New England Australia
  • Bachelor of Business (Administration)


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  • Hill, Charles W. L., Hult, G. Tomas M., Wickramasekera, Rumintha, Liesch, Peter and Mackenzie, Kim (2016). Global business today: Asia Pacific perspective. 4th ed. North Ryde, Sydney: McGraw Hill Education.

  • Rooney, David, McKenna, Bernard and Liesch, Peter (2010). Wisdom and management in the knowledge economy. New York, U.S.A: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780203852798

  • Dowling, Peter, Liesch, Peter, Gray, Sid and Hill, Charles W. L. (2009). International business. Sydney (NSW): McGraw-Hill. doi: 10.4324/9781315848365

Book Chapter

  • Welch, Catherine and Liesch, Peter W. (2024). Internationalization Processes. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management. (pp. 1-1) Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190224851.013.407

  • Jasovska, Pavlina and Liesch, Peter (2021). Entrepreneurial market-making across borders: the case of cultural and technological innovation. Contemporary Entrepreneurship Issues In International Business. (pp. 27-58) edited by Pavlina Jasovska, Danielle Logue and Hussain G Rammal. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing. doi: 10.1142/9789811228445_0002

  • Kriz, Alexandra, Moeller, Miriam, Russo, Emily and Liesch, Peter (2021). The value of talent management to entrepreneurial spinoff teams. Contemporary entrepreneurship issues in international business. (pp. 169-192) edited by Pavlina Jasovska, Danielle Logue and Hussain G. Rammal. Singapore, Singapore: World Scientific. doi: 10.1142/9789811228445_0007

  • Lamb, Peter, Sandberg, Jorgen and Liesch, Peter W. (2018). Small firm internationalisation unveiled through phenomenography. International entrepreneurship: the pursuit of opportunities across national border. (pp. 267-315) edited by A. Rebecca Reuber. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-74228-1_8

  • Liesch, Peter W., Buckley, Peter J., Simonin, Bernard L. and Knight, Gary (2014). Organizing the modern firm in the worldwide market for market transactions. The multinational enterprise and the emergence of the global factory. (pp. 78-99) London, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1057/9781137402387_4

  • Liesch, Peter W., Welch, Lawrence S. and Buckley, Peter J. (2014). Risk and uncertainty in internationalisation and international entrepreneurship studies: Review and conceptual development. The Multinational Enterprise and the Emergence of the Global Factory. (pp. 52-77) Basingstoke, Hampshire United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: 10.1057/9781137402387_3

  • Liesch, P. W., Steen, J., Knight, G. A. and Czinkota, M. R. (2008). Internationally managing in the face of terrorism-induced uncertainty. 21st Century Management: A reference handbook. (pp. 200-208) edited by Wankel, C.. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications.

  • Rooney, David, McKenna, Bernard, Liesch, Peter and Boal, Kim (2008). Snapshot: Knowledge in the absence of wisdom. The Sage Handbook of New Approaches in Management and Organization. (pp. 344-345) edited by Barry, D. and Hansen, H.. London, UK: Sage Publications. doi: 10.4135/9781849200394.n58

  • Czinkota, M.R., Knight, G. A. and Liesch, P. W. (2004). Terrorism and international business: Conceptual foundations. Terrorism and the International Business Environment: The Security-Business Nexus. (pp. 43-57) edited by Gabriele G.S. Suder. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.

  • Liesch, P. W. and Birch, D. (2000). Research on business to business barter in Australia. Getting Better at Sensemaking. (pp. 353-384) edited by A. Woodside. Stamford, Connecticut: Jai Press.

  • Lamb, P. and Liesch, P. W. (2000). The evolution of an internationalisation culture in small firms: An Australian perspective. Advances in International Marketing: 'Globalization, The Multinational Firm and Emerging Economics. (pp. 267-292) edited by A. Yaprak and H. Tutek. New York, USA: Jai (Elsevier Science Inc).

  • As-Saber, S. N., Liesch, P. W. and Dowling, P. J. (1999). Geopolitics and international joint ventures: The case for Indo-Australian joint ventures in India. Enterprise Management: New horizons in Indo-Australian Collaboration. (pp. 380-394) edited by S. Neelamegham, D. Midgley and C. Sen. New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill.

  • Liesch, P. W. (1999). Questions of exchange, information and internalisation in some domestic and international markets. Information and organization: A tribute to the work of Don Lamberton. (pp. 445-460) edited by Stuart Macdonald and John Nightingale. Amsterdam: North-Holland [Elsevier-Science].

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PhD and MPhil Supervision

Current Supervision

  • Doctor Philosophy — Principal Advisor

    Other advisors:

  • Doctor Philosophy — Principal Advisor

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  • Doctor Philosophy — Associate Advisor

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Completed Supervision