Disease management in macadamia (2007–2012)

Three aims to this project - to improve the efficiency of husk spot control through improved timing, application and chice of chemical control and fully understand the disease cycle of the hush pathogen in order to deliver an integrated disease management strategy to the industry. Secondly management strategies will be assessed for a range of other diseases such as husk rot, Phytophthora canker and gall canker and investigate the causal agents of black kernel and work with the entomologists to determine the impact fungi have association with Scolytid beetles. Thirdly increase the awareness among growers and processor of exotic diseases/pathogens of quarantine or biosecurity significance.
Grant type:
Horticulture Australia Limited
  • Professorial Research Fellow
    Centre for Horticultural Science
    Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation
Funded by:
Horticulture Australia Limited