Health economics analysis of animal plasma-derived antivenoms and antivenom distribution pathways for sub-Saharan Africa (2023–2024)

Grant type:
Global Snakebite Initiative USA Foundation
  • Professorial Research Fellow
    Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
    Professorial Research Fellow
    Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
    Affiliate Associate Professor of Sc
    School of Pharmacy
    Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
    Centre Director of Centre for the B
    Centre for the Business and Economics of Health
    Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
  • Senior Research Fellow
    Centre for the Business and Economics of Health
    Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
    Senior Research Fellow
    Centre for the Business and Economics of Health
    Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
  • Senior Research Fellow
    Centre for the Business and Economics of Health
    Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
  • Research Fellow, Business and Econo
    Centre for the Business and Economics of Health
    Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Funded by:
Global Snakebite Initiative USA Foundation