Macrophage control of mammalian growth and development (2021–2024)

The immediate postnatal period in mammals is crucial for survival, long term health and productivity. This project is an international collaboration that aims to investigate how cells of the innate immune system called macrophages control somatic growth and development of mature organ function in the early postnatal period. The project aims to build upon investment in new animals models and a novel discovery to generate significant new knowledge that will challenge current concepts of mammalian growth control. The outcomes will enhance Australia's international reputation in the fields of physiology, immunology and developmental biology.
Grant type:
ARC Discovery Projects
  • Professor
    Mater Research Institute-UQ
    Faculty of Medicine
  • Principal Research Fellow
    Mater Research Institute-UQ
    Faculty of Medicine
    Principal Research Fellow
    Mater Research Institute-UQ
    Faculty of Medicine
Funded by:
Australian Research Council