Prospective study of breast cancer progression by content analysis of circulating exosomes in serially collected blood samples (2013–2015)

Grant type:
Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital
  • Conjoint Professorial Res Fellow
    UQ Centre for Clinical Research
    Faculty of Medicine
    Conjoint Professorial Research Fell
    UQ Centre for Clinical Research
    Faculty of Medicine
  • Associate Professor
    UQ Centre for Clinical Research
    Faculty of Medicine
    Affiliate Associate Professor of Sc
    School of Biomedical Sciences
    Faculty of Medicine
  • Principal Research Fellow
    UQ Centre for Clinical Research
    Faculty of Medicine
    Principal Research Fellow
    UQ Centre for Clinical Research
    Faculty of Medicine
  • Honorary Senior Research Fellow
    Mater Research Institute-UQ
    Faculty of Medicine
Funded by:
Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital