Elucidating genetic mechanisms responsible for familial hyperaldosteronism type II (2010–2013)

Primary aldosteronism (PAL) is the commonest specifically treatable and potentially curable form of hypertension (high blood pressure), a common disease, expensive to treat, with serious morbidity and mortality. This project will use cutting edge technology to gain new knowledge concerning how genes regulate the body's production of aldosterone (salt hormone), which will help us to understand how PAL develops and how common it is, and could lead to better appraoches to diagnosis and treatment.
Grant type:
NHMRC Project Grant
  • Professorial Research Fellow
    Princess Alexandra Hospital Southside Clinical Unit
    Faculty of Medicine
    Professorial Research Fellow
    Princess Alexandra Hospital Southside Clinical Unit
    Faculty of Medicine
    Affiliate Professor
    Frazer Institute
    Faculty of Medicine
  • Conjoint Professorial Res Fellow
    UQ Centre for Clinical Research
    Faculty of Medicine
    Conjoint Professorial Research Fell
    UQ Centre for Clinical Research
    Faculty of Medicine
Funded by:
National Health and Medical Research Council