Experts in Nutrition and Dietetics

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Photo Researcher Organisational Units
Dr Tom Bailey Dr Tom Bailey School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences | School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work
Professor Lauren Ball Professor Lauren Ball School of Public Health | School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences
Dr Aimee Brownbill Dr Aimee Brownbill School of Communication and Arts
Dr Veronique Chachay Dr Veronique Chachay School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences
Dr Hsin-Fang Chung Dr Hsin-Fang Chung School of Public Health
Emeritus Professor Geoffrey Cleghorn Emeritus Professor Geoffrey Cleghorn Children's Health Queensland Clinical Unit
Dr Nathan Cook Dr Nathan Cook School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences
Dr Katherine Cullerton Dr Katherine Cullerton School of Public Health
Professor Loc Do Professor Loc Do School of Dentistry
Dr Megan Ferguson Dr Megan Ferguson School of Public Health
Dr Linda Gallo Dr Linda Gallo School of Biomedical Sciences
Dr Shelley Keating Dr Shelley Keating School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences
Professor Amanda Lee Professor Amanda Lee School of Public Health
Associate Professor Abdullah Mamun Associate Professor Abdullah Mamun UQ Poche Centre for Indigenous Health
Professor Sarah McNaughton Professor Sarah McNaughton School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences
Professor Alison Mudge Professor Alison Mudge Centre for Health Services Research
Dr Michael Noetel Dr Michael Noetel School of Psychology
Associate Professor Kym Rae Associate Professor Kym Rae Mater Research Institute-UQ
Dr Niwanthi Rajapakse Dr Niwanthi Rajapakse School of Biomedical Sciences
Professor Eugeni Roura Professor Eugeni Roura Centre for Animal Science
Dr Bonnie Searle Dr Bonnie Searle Queensland Brain Institute
Professor Heather Smyth Professor Heather Smyth Centre for Nutrition and Food Sciences
Dr Jenna Taylor Dr Jenna Taylor School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences
Dr Jacki Walker Dr Jacki Walker School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences
No image Dr Michael Waller School of Public Health
Associate Professor William Wang Associate Professor William Wang Princess Alexandra Hospital Southside Clinical Unit
Dr Adrienne Young Dr Adrienne Young Centre for Health Services Research