Associate Professor Jeremy Cohen

ATH - Associate Professor

Royal Brisbane Clinical Unit
Faculty of Medicine

ATH - Associate Professor

Royal Brisbane Clinical Unit
Faculty of Medicine


Dr Jeremy Cohen MBBS, BSc, MRCP, FRCA,CICM Jeremy is a Senior Staff Specialist in Intensive Care Medicine at the Royal Brisbane Hospital. He trained in the UK, obtaining the MRCP and FRCA. He moved to Australia in 2001 and completed his Intensive Care training in 2003, winning the Don Harrison medal for best examination performance. Since qualification he has developed a research interest in adrenal function in critical illness, co authoring numerous research articles and book chapters on this topic, and has completed a PhD in this area. As part of this work he is a principal investigator on the multi-centre ADRENAL trial investigating the use of corticosteroid treatment in the management of septic shock. Jeremy has an interest in the use of simulation for teaching crisis management in Intensive Care, which he has studied at the internationally recognised Centre for Medical Simulation at Harvard. He is one of the founders and the current Director of the Intensive Care Crisis Event Management Course held at the Queensland Skills Development Centre, and of the Queensland Skills Training day. Jeremy is an examiner for the CICM General Fellowship Examination and a member of the General Examination Committee. He has been an instructor on numerous courses both locally and nationally, and is an Associate Editor for the Monitor current awareness journal for Intensivists.


  • Venkatesh, Balasubramanian and Cohen, Jeremy (2024). Corticosteroids in septic shock secondary to community acquired pneumonia: clarity mixed with uncertainty. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 12 (5), 338-339. doi: 10.1016/s2213-2600(23)00470-8

  • Adigbli, Derick, Liu, Rebecca, Meyer, Jason, Cohen, Jeremy, Di Tanna, Gian Luca, Gianacas, Christopher, Bhattacharya, Amritendu, Hammond, Naomi, Walsham, James, Venkatesh, Balasubramanian, Hotchkiss, Richard, Finfer, Simon and Prognostic value of persistent lymphopenia in Critical Illness: PIVOTAL Study (2024). Early persistent lymphopenia and risk of death in critically ill patients with and without sepsis. Shock, 61 (2), 197-203. doi: 10.1097/shk.0000000000002284

  • Daubney, Emily R., D’Urso, Shannon, Cuellar-Partida, Gabriel, Rajbhandari, Dorrilyn, Peach, Elizabeth, de Guzman, Erika, McArthur, Colin, Rhodes, Andrew, Meyer, Jason, Finfer, Simon, Myburgh, John, Cohen, Jeremy, Schirra, Horst Joachim, Venkatesh, Balasubramanian and Evans, David M. (2024). A Genome-Wide Association Study of Serum Metabolite Profiles in Septic Shock Patients. Critical Care Explorations, 6 (1), e1030. doi: 10.1097/cce.0000000000001030

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Book Chapter

  • Venkatesh, Bala and Cohen, Jeremy (2016). Adrenal insufficiency. Surgical intensive care medicine. (pp. 507-515) edited by John M. O’Donnell and Flávio E. Nácul. Cham, Switzerland: Springer . doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-19668-8_37

  • Al Balushi, Ruqaiya M., Paratz, Jennifer D., Cohen, Jeremy and Banks, Merrilyn (2015). Glutamine supplementation in multiple trauma of critical care. Diet and nutrition in critical care. (pp. 203-218) edited by Rajkumar Rajendram, Victor R. Preedy and Vinood B. Patel. New York, NY, United States: Springer New York. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4614-7836-2_141

  • Al Balushi, Ruqaiya M., Paratz, Jennifer D., Cohen, Jeremy and Banks, Merrilyn (2015). Glutamine supplementation in multiple trauma patients. Glutamine in Clinical Nutrition. (pp. 181-194) edited by Rajkumar Rajendram, Victor R. Preedy and Vinood B. Patel. New York, United States: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4939-1932-1_14

  • Venkatesh, Balasubramanian and Cohen, Jeremy (2013). Adrenocortical insufficiency in critical illness. Oh's Intensive Care Manual. (pp. 660-665) edited by Andrew D. Bersten and Neil Soni. Oxford, United Kingdom: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-7020-4762-6.00061-8

  • Cohen, Jeremy and Venkatesh, Balasubramanian (2012). Pathophysiology and management of hypo- and hyperadrenalism. The Oxford textbook of critical care. (pp. 28-34) edited by A. J. Webb, M. J. Shapiro, M. Singer and P. M. Suter. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.

  • Venkatesh, Bala and Cohen, Jeremy (2010). Adrenal Insufficiency. Surgical intensive care medicine. (pp. 399-406) New York: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-0-387-77893-8_36

  • Venkatesh, B. and Cohen, J. (2008). Adrenocortical insufficiency in critical illness. Oh's Intensive Care Manual. (pp. 647-652) edited by Bersten, A. D. and Soni, N.. United States of America: Elsevier Limited.

  • Venkatesh, B. and Cohen, J. (2008). Cortisol metabolism in inflammation and sepsis. Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine 2008. (pp. 514-518) edited by J.-L. Vincent. Heidelberg: Springer - Verlag.

  • Cohen, Jeremy and Lipman, Jeffrey (2008). Use and abuse of antibiotics. Anaesthesia science. (pp. 128-136) edited by Nigel R. Webster and Helen F. Galley. Malden, MA, United States: Blackwell Publishing . doi: 10.1002/9780470755297.ch10

  • Cohen, J., Prins, J. and Venkatesh, B. (2007). Plasma cortisol: Time to look deeeper?. 2007 Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine. (pp. 106-112) edited by J. L. Vincent. Berlin; Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag. doi: 10.1007/978-0-387-49518-7_11

  • Freebairn, R., Cohen, J. and Lipman, J. (2007). Prescription of antimicrobial agents in patients undergoing continuous renal replacement therapy. Infectious diseases in critical care. (pp. 147-158) Berlin, Germany: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-34406-3_13

  • Freebairn, R., Cohen, J. and Lipman, J. (2007). Prescription of antimicrobial agents in patients undergoing continuous renal replacement therapy. Infectious diseases in critical care. (pp. 147-159) edited by Jordi Rello, Marin Kollef, Emili Diaz and Alejandro Rodriguez. Berlin & Heidelberg, Germany; New York, USA: Springer - Verlag.

  • Cohen, Jeremy and Lipman, Jeffrey (2006). Use and Abuse of antibiotics. Anesthesia science. (pp. 128-139) edited by Nigel R. Webster and Helen F. Galley. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell Pub.

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