Associate Professor Katherine Isoardi

ATH - Associate Professor

Princess Alexandra Hospital Southside Clinical Unit
Faculty of Medicine


Katherine is an Emergency Physician and Clinical Toxicologist based at the Princess Alexandra Hospital and the Medical Director for the Queensland Poisons Information Centre. She is passionate about promoting and expanding Clinical Toxicology services throughout Queensland.

She is the current president of Toxicology And Poisoning Network Australasia (TAPNA), serves on multiple TAPNA subcommittees, and facilitates its 2 year post-graduate Clinical Toxicology course. She also created the Princess Alexandra Hospital Clinical Toxicology Subspecialisation Program which allows post-graduate toxicology training for nurses and pharmacists.

She is an enthusiastic clinician researcher. Her interests include the management of illicit drug poisoning, the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs in overdose and snake envenomation. She is currently undertaking a PhD titled "Opioid Overdose and its Reversal" through the University of Newcastle under the supervision of Prof Geoff Isbister.

Research Interests

  • Clinical Toxicology
    In particular illicit drug poisoning and the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics of drugs in overdose
  • Toxinology
    In particular snake envenomation


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