Dr Richard Barnes

Honorary Associate Professor

School of the Environment
Faculty of Science

Honorary Associate Professor

School of the Environment
Faculty of Science


Dr Richard Barnes was for 40 years a staff member of the Department of Zoology of the University of Cambridge, UK, and in 'retirement' he remains attached to that Department and an Emeritus Fellow of St Catharine's College Cambridge. In addition, however, for 3 months of each year he functions as an honorary member of staff of the University of Queensland and of Queensland Museum's Biodiversity Program (October - December inclusive), and likewise (January - March inclusive) of the Department of Zoology of Rhodes University, South Africa.

Research Interests

  • Ecology of seagrass beds and other coastal regions
    Spatial variation (from <1m to latitudinal scales) in the biodiversity of the animals living within seagrass beds


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Book Chapter

  • Maxwell, Paul, Connolly, Rod, Roelfsema, Chris, Burfeind, Dana, Udy, James, O'Brien, Kate, Saunders, Megan, Barnes, Richard, Olds, Andrew, Hendersen, Chris and Gilby, Ben (2019). The seagrasses of Moreton Bay Quandamooka: Diversity, ecology and resilience. Moreton Bay Quandamooka and catchment: past, present and future. (pp. 279-298) edited by Ian R. Tibbetts, Peter C. Rothlisberg, David T. Neil, Tamara A. Homburg, David T. Brewer and Angela H. Arthington. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: Moreton Bay Foundation.

  • York, Paul H., Hyndes, Glenn A., Bishop, Melanie J. and Barnes, Richard S.K. (2018). Faunal assemblages of seagrass ecosystems. Seagrasses of Australia: structure, ecology and conservation. (pp. 541-588) edited by Anthony W. D. Larkum, Gary A. Kendrick and Peter J. Ralph. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-71354-0_17

  • Barnes, R. S.K. (2001). Lagoons. Encyclopedia of Ocean Sciences. (pp. 377-388) Elsevier Ltd. doi: 10.1016/B978-012374473-9.00091-6

Journal Article