Dr Barry Norton

Honorary Associate Professor

School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
Faculty of Science

Honorary Associate Professor

School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
Faculty of Science


Nutritional Biochemistry, grazing and intensive production of cattle, sheep, goats.

My passion for agriculture and animal science comes from growing up amongst relatives in country Victoria, from Yea in the north, Korumburra in Gippsland and Heywood in the Western District. My career in agricultural science began at Melbourne University in 1960, with a defining year (1961) at Dookie Agricultural College, and subsequently with studies at The University of Sydney (1964-1969), University of New England (1970-72) and since 1973 at The University of Queensland. Promoted to Associate Professor in 1984, appointed Head of School of Agriculture in 1993 and the Head of School of Land and Food (1998-1999). Promotion to Professor was denied in 1997 and again in 2000. Retired from the University in 2006, but have maintained academic and research activity by managing ACIAR and other grants in Papua New Guinea and Vietnam. Publications since retirement have included books on family history, goat production in Vietnam and other biographies. Latest publications were on goat nutrition in 2022, in collaboration with Dr Simon Quigley's team at UQ, This year, 2023, celebrates 50 years of service to the University of Queensland.


  • Australian Institute Of Agricultural Science and Technology, Australian Institute Of Agricultural Science and Technology
  • Doctoral Diploma, University of Melbourne
  • Doctor of Philosophy, University of Sydney
  • Bachelor, University of Melbourne


View all Publications


  • (2007) Doctor Philosophy

  • (2005) Doctor Philosophy

  • (2004) Doctor Philosophy

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Journal Article

Conference Publication

Grants (Administered at UQ)

PhD and MPhil Supervision

Completed Supervision

  • (2007) Doctor Philosophy — Principal Advisor

  • (2005) Doctor Philosophy — Principal Advisor

  • (2004) Doctor Philosophy — Principal Advisor

  • (2004) Doctor Philosophy — Principal Advisor

  • (2003) Doctor Philosophy — Principal Advisor

  • (2002) Master Agricultural Science — Principal Advisor

  • (2006) Doctor Philosophy — Associate Advisor