Dr Andrea Alarcón

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences


Andrea is a Post Doctoral Fellow in Digital Cultures and Societies at the University of Queensland . She got her PhD at USC Annenberg, and is originally from Colombia. Broadly, her research interests lie at the intersection of media and Science and Technology Studies.She studies mobilities; cultures of transnational, remote work; on-demand workers and freelancers; feminized maintenance of workspaces; media tales of tech; civic social media in Latin America.

Her research can be found in New Media and Society, the International Journal of Communication, Mass Communication & Society, and in the edited volume Popular Culture and the Civic Imagination: A Casebook. She has also conducted research with the IDRC and USAID in projects about the "future of work" in the "Global South".

Research Interests

  • online labour
    Specifically digital nomads, location-independent workers, remote work, and virtual assistants
  • transnational communication
  • supply chain capitalism
  • ethnography
  • Latin America
  • Science and Technology Studies


  • Doctor of Philosophy of Communication Studies, University of Southern California
  • Doctor of Philosophy of Communication and Media Studies, University of Southern California
  • Masters (Coursework) of Sociology and Social Studies of Science and Technology, University of Oxford
  • Bachelor of Journalism, University of Florida


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Book Chapter

  • Alarcón, Andrea (2020). Everyone wants peace?: contending imaginaries in the Colombian context of peace creation. Popular culture and the civic imagination: case studies of creative social change. (pp. 109-116) edited by Henry Jenkins, Gabriel Peters-Lazaro and Sangita Shresthova. New York, NY, United States: New York University Press. doi: 10.18574/nyu/9781479891252.003.0012

Journal Article