Adjunct Professor Daniel Gschwind

Adjunct Professor

School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law

Adjunct Professor

School of Business
Faculty of Business, Economics and Law


Daniel Gschwind is Chief Executive Officer of the Queensland Tourism Industry Council.

The Queensland Tourism Industry Council, QTIC, is a private sector, membership-based tourism industry organisation. QTIC represents the interests of the tourism industry, including business operators, Regional Tourism Organisations, RTOs, and sector associations. All of Queensland RTOs are members of QTIC, as are 17 of the industry sector associations and thousands of regional members, operating in all sectors of the tourism industry. QTIC is owned and governed by its members through member based councils, boards and committees and truly reflects the views of the industry at all levels throughout Queensland. He is also a board member of the National Tourism Alliance, NTA, Deputy Chair of the Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, RRRC, and a member of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, GBRMPA. He represents QTIC on various tourism committees, including the Tourism Forecasting Council, the Queensland Small Business Advisory Council and the tourism committee of the Wet Tropics Management Authority. He is the Honorary Consul of Switzerland for Queensland.

Daniel holds an honours degree in economics from the University of Queensland and has worked as a senior economist with Queensland Treasury. He has previously run a yacht charter operation in the Mediterranean and the Caribbean for ten years.