Honorary Professor Francois Hug

Honorary Professor

School of Biomedical Sciences
Faculty of Medicine

Honorary Professor

School of Biomedical Sciences
Faculty of Medicine


François has a background in Human Movement Sciences (PhD in 2003 at the University of Aix-Marseille II, France). After a post-doctoral period at the University of Paris VI, he was employed as researcher at the French National Institute for Sports (INSEP, France). He continued his research at the University of Nantes (Laboratory “Motricité, Interactions, Performance”; France) from 2006 to 2021. François is currently Professor (full) in Human Movement Sciences at the University of Côte d’azur (Nice, France). Since 2017, he is a Junior Fellow of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) that distinguishes each year a small number of researchers for their research excellence. In addition to two sabbatical periods at the University of Queensland (Australia, 2011 and 2019), he was offered a 3-year position as a Principal Research Fellow position at the same university (2013-2015). François has published over 175 articles in ISI journals and received > 3 000 000 € funding.

François is particularly interested in the neural control of movement. Specifically, he is interested in the individual movement signaures, their origin and their consequence on the developement of musculoskeletal disorders.

Research Impacts

Beyond increasing our understanding of movement control, the ultimate goal of François's research is to develop the tools and knowledge to direct individualised prevention and rehabilitation strategies for people living with musculoskeletal pain or neurological conditions.


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Featured Publications

Book Chapter

  • Hug, François and Tucker, Kylie (2018). Surface electromyography to study muscle coordination. Handbook of Human Motion. (pp. 451-470) Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-14418-4_184

  • Hug, Francois and Tucker, Kylie (2016). Surface electromyography to study muscle coordination. Handbook of human motion. (pp. 1-21) edited by Bertram Müller, Sebastian I. Wolf,, Gert-Peter Brueggemann, Zhigang Deng, Andrew McIntosh, Andrew McIntosh, Freeman Miller and William Scott Selbie. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-30808-1_184-1

Journal Article

Conference Publication

Grants (Administered at UQ)

PhD and MPhil Supervision