Dr JP Hobbs

Honorary Fellow

School of the Environment
Faculty of Science

Honorary Fellow

School of the Environment
Faculty of Science


My research examines human impacts on the evolution of coral reef fishes. The ultimate goal is to characterise and mitigate threats to marine biodiversity and fisheries resources.

This research covers a range of scales from global studies on macroecology, phylogeography and biogeography through to long-term monitoring of population changes and studies of life history traits, behaviour, sensory systems and stress responses of individuals. To conduct this research requires a combination of fieldwork, aquarium experiments, and laboratory analyses. Although this research spans a range of organisms, the main study group is anemonefishes (clownfishes).


  • Doctor of Philosophy, James Cook University
  • Masters (Coursework), James Cook University


  • Caldwell, Iain R., Hobbs, Jean-Paul A., Bowen, Brian W., Cowman, Peter F., DiBattista, Joseph D., Whitney, Jon L., Ahti, Pauliina A., Belderok, Roy, Canfield, Sean, Coleman, Richard R., Iacchei, Matthew, Johnston, Erika C., Knapp, Ingrid, Nalley, Eileen M., Staeudle, Timo M. and Láruson, Áki Jarl (2024). Global trends and biases in biodiversity conservation research. Cell Reports Sustainability, 1 (5) 100082, 100082. doi: 10.1016/j.crsus.2024.100082

  • Huggett, Megan J., Hobbs, Jean-Paul A., Vitelli, Federico, Stat, Michael, Sinclair-Taylor, Tane H., Bunce, Michael and DiBattista, Joseph D. (2023). Gut microbial communities of hybridising pygmy angelfishes reflect species boundaries. Communications Biology, 6 (1) 542, 1-9. doi: 10.1038/s42003-023-04919-7

  • Pratchett, Morgan S., Caballes, Ciemon F., Hobbs, Jean-Paul A., DiBattista, Joseph D., Bergseth, Brock, Waldie, Peter, Champion, Curtis, Mc Cormack, Samuel P. and Hoey, Andrew S. (2023). Variation in the physiological condition of common coral trout (Plectropomus leopardus) unrelated to coral cover on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Fishes, 8 (10) 497, 1-12. doi: 10.3390/fishes8100497

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  • Doctor Philosophy

  • Doctor Philosophy

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Book Chapter

  • Hobbs, Jean-Paul A., van Herwerden, Lynne, Pratchett, Morgan S. and Allen, Gerald R. (2014). Hybridisation among Butterflyfishes. Biology of Butterflyfishes. (pp. 48-69) edited by Morgan S. Pratchett, Michael L. Berumen and B.G. Kapoor. Boca Raton, FL, United States: CRC Press. doi: 10.1201/b15458-5

Journal Article

Grants (Administered at UQ)

PhD and MPhil Supervision

Current Supervision