Dr Siqin Wang

Honorary Research Fellow

School of the Environment
Faculty of Science

Honorary Research Fellow

School of the Environment
Faculty of Science


Dr Wang is currently appointed as Honorary Research Fellow / Lecturer at UQ, double affiliated to RMIT University as Senior Lecturer. She is holding Ph.D in Geography, University of Queensland, Australia, 2018; M.S. in GIS, Northern Illinois University, USA, 2011; B.S. in Urban Planning, Sun Yat-Sen University, China, 2009. Before joining UQ in 2015, she worked as a Geographic Information System (GIS) analyst (2011-2012) in Arizona State Government, USA, and a GIS manager (2012-2015) eTour International, a private IT sector in Hawaii, USA. She has been working as an Australian Research Council (ARC) Postdoctoral Research Fellow (2018-2020) and as an Associate Lecturer (2021-2022) at UQ. She was nominated by the Australia Academy of Sciences as the Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science in 2021. I have been involved in teaching in six courses at UQ: GEOM 2001 Introduction of Geographic Information Analysis (lecturer and course coordinator); GEOM 3003/7002 Spatial Modelling and Analysis (lecturer and course coordinator); GEOM 1001 Fundamentals of Geographic Information and Technologies (lecturer and tutor); GEOG2001 Human Mobility and Migration, GEOG 2205/7205 Global Population Issue, and GEOG 3205 Applied Demography.

Research Interests

  • GIScience
    Developing and applying framework and methods of GIScience (i.e., urban modelling, remote sensing, and spatial analysis) and spatiotemporal big data analytics (e.g., geospatial artificial intelligence, geoinformatics, and big data mining) to understand computational social science and human-environment interactions in the domain of digital health geography, human settlement, human mobility and migration, social vulnerability and inequality, human responses to climate change.

Research Impacts

Since Dr Wang's PhD conferral in 2018, she has published +50 journal articles (as the leading and corresponding author in 35), four book chapters, and one media outlet. She has been working on four Australian Research Council projects and international projects with collaborators from +20 universities in the USA, UK, Canada, China, Japan, UK, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Qatar. Her publications include the Top One Journal in Human Geography Progress in Human Geography (IF 6.766, 1/84 in Human Geography), Journal of Environmental Management (IF 5.647, 6/128 in Environmental Science), Cities (IF 4.802, 7/65 in Urban Studies), Transport Policy (IF 3.382, 16/149 in Tranportation), Applied Geography (IF 3.508, 10/84 in Geography), and Environment and Planning A (IF 2.855, 12/84 in Geography).

Dr Wang is the principal investigator and co-investigator in research projects funded by the Australian Urban Research Institute and Network and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. She was awarded as the Top 20 Global Cutting-edge Technology Young Scientist 2022; First Prize and People’s Choice in the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences Poster Competition, University of Queensland, 2015; Honour Membership in Gamma Theta Upsilon, the International Geographic Honour Society (since 2011), AAG First Prize Award (2011) and AAG Travel Fund (2011). She currently acts as the Associated Chair, Spatial Data Lab affiliated to Centre of Geographic Analysis, Harvard University; the Vice Chair of the Young Scientist Innovation Network for Digital Earth of ISDE (International Society for Digital Earth); the editorial board member of the International Journal of Digital Earth (08/2022), the guest editor in International Journal of Earth Observation and Geoinformatics, and the reviewer in 20+ international journals.


  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Queensland


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Book Chapter

  • Hu, Tao, Huang, Xiao and Wang, Siqin (2023). Actionable environmental science through social media platforms. Actionable science of global environment change: from big data to practical research. (pp. 355-371) edited by Ziheng Sun. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Cham. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-41758-0_13

  • Huang, Xiao, Wang, Siqin and Li, Xiao (2022). The inequities in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic. The geographies of COVID-19: geospatial stories of a global pandemic. (pp. 85-96) edited by Melinda Laituri, Robert B. Richardson and Junghwan Kim. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-11775-6_8

Journal Article

Conference Publication

Other Outputs