Dr Trish Wright

Honorary Fellow

School of Dentistry
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences

Honorary Fellow

School of Dentistry
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences



  • Member, Australian Society of Endodontology, Australian Society of Endodontology
  • Doctoral (Research) of Dental Science, The University of Queensland
  • Bachelor of French, The University of Queensland
  • Bachelor of Dental Science, The University of Queensland
  • Bachelor of Chemistry, The University of Queensland


View all Publications


  • Doctor Philosophy

View all Supervision


Book Chapter

  • Wright, Patricia P. and Walsh, Laurence J. (2017). Optimizing antimicrobial agents in endodontics. Antibacterial agents. (pp. 87-108) edited by Ranjith Kumavath. Osijek, Croatia: InTech. doi: 10.5772/677111

Journal Article

Other Outputs

PhD and MPhil Supervision

Current Supervision