Associate Professor Sarit Kaserzon

Principal Research Fellow

Queensland Alliance for Environmental Health Sciences
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences

Principal Research Fellow

Queensland Alliance for Environmental Health Sciences
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences

Affiliate of Queensland Alliance fo

Queensland Alliance for Environmental Health Sciences
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
+61 7 334 61928


Research Interests

  • Research profile
    A/Prof Kaserzon's research interests have focused on developing novel sampling and analytical methods and approaches to detect trends, behaviour and fate of persistent and emerging organic environmental pollutants, to better inform human and environmental health risks. This includes developing novel methods for the rapid screening and identification of chemical hazards in drinking and environmental samples. Emerging pollutants include Per- and poly- fluorinated substances (PFAS), brominated chemicals, disinfection by-products, pharmaceuticals and personal care products, pesticides, herbicides and natural toxins. Dr Kaserzon's research into monitoring of trace organic pollutants has included the development of a PFAS sampler that has been calibrated for use in surface, ground and waste-water environments. Her work using High Resolution Mass-Spectrometry methods for non-target identification of emerging contaminants has revealed new classes of PFAS in contaminated groundwater. Dr Kaserzon holds a split position as an Advanced Environmental Health Scientist with Queensland Health's Health Protection and Regulation Branch.


  • Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Queensland


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  • Doctor Philosophy

  • (2024) Doctor Philosophy

  • Doctor Philosophy

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Book Chapter

Journal Article

Conference Publication

Other Outputs

Grants (Administered at UQ)

PhD and MPhil Supervision

Current Supervision

Completed Supervision