Dr Timothy Ballard

Senior Lecturer

School of Psychology
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences

Senior Lecturer

School of Psychology
Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
+61 7 334 69157


My research focuses on understanding the dynamics of decision-making, motivation, fatigue, and stress and how these processes affect our performance and mental health. I use computational and mathematical models to understand how these complex processes evolve and interact over time. I use this knowledge to help design work environments that promote happier, healthier, and more effective work. Practical applications of this work so far have included providing evidence-based recommendations regarding alternative work concepts such as the four-day work week, enhancing the capacity and safety of unmanned aerial systems operations, facilitating tactical decision-making in military contexts, providing tools to forecast fatigue in submarine operations, and improving climate change communication practices. My work has been published in premier journals such as Psychological Review, Psychological Science, Journal of Applied Psychology, The Leadership Quarterly, Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, Organizational Research Methods, Journal of Neuroscience, and Global Environmental Change. My research has attracted more than $2 million in external funding, which has included over $1 million from the Australian Research Council and over $1 million of industry funding. The success of my research program has been recognised by an ARC DECRA Fellowship and Early Career Researcher Awards from the Australian Psychological Society, the Australasian Mathematical Psychology Society, and the Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences at UQ.


  • Doctor of Philosophy, University of Western Australia
  • Bachelor (Honours) of Psychological Science, The University of Queensland


  • Morgan, Andrew J., Neal, Andrew and Ballard, Timothy (2024). The dynamics of competition and decision-making. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review. doi: 10.3758/s13423-024-02523-2

  • Alister, Manikya, Herbert, Scott L., Sewell, David K., Neal, Andrew and Ballard, Timothy (2024). The impact of cognitive resource constraints on goal prioritization. Cognitive Psychology, 148 101618, 101618. doi: 10.1016/j.cogpsych.2023.101618

  • Neal, Andrew, Ballard, Timothy and Palada, Hector (2024). How to publish and review a computational model. Computational Modeling For IndustrialOrganizational Psychologists. (pp. 297-319) New York, NY United States: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003388852-13

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Book Chapter

  • Neal, Andrew, Ballard, Timothy and Palada, Hector (2024). How to publish and review a computational model. Computational Modeling For IndustrialOrganizational Psychologists. (pp. 297-319) New York, NY United States: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003388852-13

  • Ballard, Timothy, Palada, Hector and Neal, Andrew (2023). Fitting computational models to data: A tutorial. Computational Modeling For IndustrialOrganizational Psychologists. (pp. 255-296) New York: Taylor and Francis. doi: 10.4324/9781003388852-12

  • Gee, Phillip, Ballard, Timothy, Yeo, Gillian and Neal, Andrew (2012). Measuring affect over time: the momentary affect scale. Experiencing and managing emotions in the workplace. (pp. 141-173) edited by Neal M. Ashkanasy, Wilfred J. Zerbe and Charmine E. J. Härtel. Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing. doi: 10.1108/S1746-9791(2012)0000008010

Journal Article

Conference Publication

Other Outputs

Grants (Administered at UQ)

PhD and MPhil Supervision

Current Supervision

  • Doctor Philosophy — Principal Advisor

  • Doctor Philosophy — Associate Advisor

    Other advisors:

  • Doctor Philosophy — Associate Advisor

    Other advisors:

  • Doctor Philosophy — Associate Advisor

    Other advisors:

  • Doctor Philosophy — Associate Advisor

    Other advisors:

  • Doctor Philosophy — Associate Advisor

  • Doctor Philosophy — Associate Advisor