Social behaviour in rats developmentally deficient in Vitamin D: modelling the negative symptoms of schizophrenia (2008–2012)

We are exploring low maternal vitamin D as a biological explanation for a 7-10% increase in the incidence of patients born with schizophrenia in the colder months of the year worldwide. Developmental vitamin D (DVD) deficiency in rats leads to long term changes in brain development and behaviour. The aim of this research is to examine social behaviour in DVD deficient rates as a model of negative symptoms of schizophrenia and establish the neurochemical basis for this altered behaviour.
Grant type:
NHMRC Project Grant
  • Professorial Research Fellow - Grou
    Queensland Brain Institute
  • Professor (Conjoint)
    Queensland Brain Institute
  • Conjoint Professor
    Queensland Brain Institute
    Conjoint Professor
    Queensland Brain Institute
    ATH - Professor
    Medical School (Greater Brisbane Clinical School)
    Faculty of Medicine
Funded by:
National Health and Medical Research Council