Between a hot place & hypoxia: Quantifying fish-kill risk in inland rivers (ARC Linkage Project administered by The University of Western Australia) (2024–2027)

Native fish populations in Australian ephemeral rivers are highly valued but are subject to widespread decline. During drought waterholes serve as critical refuges for native fish, however thermal extremes and hypoxia (lack of oxygen) have led to regular fish-kill events. Whilst we know the general conditions that lead to fish-kills, we do not have a clear understanding of why some species are more tolerant than others, or how we can help decisionmakers anticipate fish-kill risks. This project will combine laboratory ecophysiology investigations and novel field monitoring techniques to develop a next-generation fish habitat model for stakeholders to use to assess fish-kill risks and plan for restoration.
Grant type:
University of Western Australia
Funded by:
The University of Western Australia