High-value horticulture and global production networks in coastal Australia (ARC Discovery Project administered by the University of Sydney) (2023–2026)

High-value horticulture is booming in Australia's north-eastern coastal strip, where a multifunctional landscape also provides various recreational, cultural and environmental services. This project aims analyses how incorporation within agricultural global production networks interacts with diverse drivers of landscape change to shape regional development outcomes. This will contribute to global production network theory by developing the territorial nexus of these networks. Expected outcomes include improved policy formulations capable of orchestrating a sustainable and equitable future for rural regions and livelihoods within Australia, with broader contributions to understanding rural development pathways elsewhere in the world
Grant type:
University of Sydney
  • UQ Amplify Senior Research Fellow
    Centre for Policy Futures
    Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Funded by:
The University of Sydney