Defining the molecular basis for Salmonella persistence (2023–2026)

Salmonella infections in animals and humans place significant burdens on the agri-food and healthcare sectors. All mammals and avian species can become chronically infected with Salmonella and such chronic carriage is a reservoir for disease and outbreaks in other animals and humans. Significant gaps in our understanding of Salmonella infection remain, including the molecular mechanisms involved in establishing a chronic carrier state. We identified several Salmonella specific genes and subsequent murine studies revealed that a Salmonella mutant lacking these genes is attenuated in mice and especially in the gallbladder. In this project we seek to understand the molecular basis for attenuation and the contribution of each protein to disease
Grant type:
ARC Discovery Projects
  • Institute Director
    Institute for Molecular Bioscience
    Institute Director
    Office of the Provost
  • Research Officer
    Institute for Molecular Bioscience
    Research Officer
    Institute for Molecular Bioscience
Funded by:
Australian Research Council