Rapid evolution, and the dynamics and stability of ecological communities (2022–2025)

Population sizes of species go up and down and often we do not know why. This is a problem because changes in population size underpin more complex ecological change, and understanding why population sizes change affects our ability to manage environmental impacts, and threatened, harvested and pest species. The aim of this project is to discover how rapid evolution ¿ evolution occurring over just a few generations ¿ drives changes in population sizes of plants in Australian freshwater ecosystems. By focusing on this fundamental yet poorly understood process, our results promise to rewrite our understanding of the causes of change in ecological communities, while highlighting a unique and little studied component of Australia¿TM)s biota.
Grant type:
ARC Discovery Projects
  • Lecturer in Quantitative Biology
    School of the Environment
    Faculty of Science
Funded by:
Australian Research Council