Core-shell nanofibrous bio-based flame retardants with reinforcement function (ARC Discovery Project administered by the University of Southern Queensland) (2019–2022)

This project aims to develop high-performance bio-based flame retardants (FRs) by designing a novel core-shell nanofibrous FR system combining exceptional flame retardancy and mechanical reinforcement. Effects of the hierarchical FRs on the processing, flame retarancy and mechanical properties of the polymer hosts will be evaluated and tailored by optimizing synthesis parameters. The establishment of the processing-structureperformance correlations along with theoretical modelling and the understanding of flame retardancy and reinforcement mechanisms will enable the development of high-performance FRs and their advanced polymer products. The outcomes of this work will greatly contribute to safeguarding our life, property and environment.
Grant type:
University of Southern Queensland
  • Senior Lecturer
    School of Civil Engineering
    Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Funded by:
University of Southern Queensland