What is distinctive about Australian Aboriginal conversational style? (ARC Discovery Project administered by Macquarie University) (2018–2023)

This project aims to re-examine claims that Aboriginal Australians conduct conversations in different ways to Anglo-Australians. It will investigate and compare ordinary conversations in these groups on the largest scale yet. The project expects to provide new evidence to explicate Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal conversational norms, pinpointing differences which may lead to intercultural miscommunication. Expected outcomes include new endangered language documentation, and evidence-based findings to disseminate to service providers, to communities and to Aboriginal organisations to improve ways of engaging with each other. In addition, the project will benefit Aboriginal communities with new approaches to language revitalisation.
Grant type:
Macquarie University
  • Professor
    School of Languages and Cultures
    Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
    School of Languages and Cultures
    Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Funded by:
Macquarie University