Designing healthy and efficient luminous environments in Green Buildings (ARC Linkage Project Administered by Queensland University of Technology) (2016–2019)

50% of workers in green commercial buildings in subtropical climates have reported visual discomfort from glass facades and LEDs. Since visual discomfort could affect people¿s performance, and double energy consumption (due to users interventions), there is a mismatch between design intent and final results. This project investigates the relationship between indoor lighting, visual comfort, and office workers¿ well-being for green buildings in Australia. It uses an approach that relates luminous environment and occupant responses and a novel tool for capturing physical and psychological properties of luminous environments through smart phones. The outcome is a predictive model of visual comfort for better design of buildings.
Grant type:
Queensland University of Technology
  • Professorial Research Fellow
    Institute for Social Science Research
    Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
    Professorial Research Fellow
    Faculty of Medicine
Funded by:
Queensland University of Technology