Developing and implementing new chemistries to effectively recover fine coals (2017–2020)

This proposed research aims to improve the recovery of oxidized fine coals. This will be achieved through developing a new technique to directly monitor coal oxidation in plant operations, understanding how the oxidation degree affects fine coal flotation which is the main beneficiation method for fine coals, and then developing and implementing new chemistries to improve the flotation of oxidised coals. This research is needed because oxidized fine coals widely occur in Queensland coal mines but cannot be effectively recovered. They are either discarded at a large quantity to tailing dams causing safety and environmental problems, or recovered with a low efficiency using conventional chemistries developed for floating fresh coals. This project will be conducted in three Queensland coal mines selected by Australian Coal Research Limited (ACARP). Through this industry collaboration, the research direction can be aligned with solving industry problems all the time, and eventually research outcomes can be transferred to industry without any delay. Coal industry plays a critical role in Queensland¿s economy. This project will deliver significant economic benefits to Queensland coal industry by improving fine coal production. The recovery of fine coals can also significantly reduce tailing disposal and then reduce their safety and environmental hazards.
Grant type:
Advance Queensland Research Fellowships
  • Adjunct Research Fellow
    School of Chemical Engineering
    Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Funded by:
Queensland Government Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation