The ecology of trace metal contamination in native Australian mammals (2016–2019)

Australia's long-term health relies on our ability to minimise the environmental costs of mining, particularly in areas characterised by high biodiversity, unique native species, or species of cultural or touristic value. This study aims to evaluate the impacts of mined trace metals on the health and performance of native Australian mammals in a northern tropical ecosystem and to determine how each species' ecology contributes to their risk of contamination. The research also aims to provide local Indigenous Rangers with scientifically based strategies to improve wildlife conservation on their island.
Grant type:
ARC Linkage Projects
  • Principal Research Fellow
    School of the Environment
    Faculty of Science
    Principal Research Fellow
    School of the Environment
    Faculty of Science
    Affiliate of Centre for Biodiversit
    Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science
    Faculty of Science
  • Associate Professor in Statistics
    School of the Environment
    Faculty of Science
    Associate Professor in Statistics
    School of the Environment
    Faculty of Science
Funded by:
Australian Research Council