Cognitive behaviour therapy for anxiety in Parkinson's disease: outcomes for patients and caregivers (2016–2017)

Grant type:
Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital Foundation
  • Principal Research Fellow
    UQ Centre for Clinical Research
    Faculty of Medicine
    Principal Research Fellow
    UQ Centre for Clinical Research
    Faculty of Medicine
    NHMRC Boosting Dementia Res Fellow
    UQ Centre for Clinical Research
    Faculty of Medicine
    NHMRC Boosting Dementia Research Fe
    UQ Centre for Clinical Research
    Faculty of Medicine
  • Mayne Professor of Psychiatry
    Medical School (Office & AME)
    Faculty of Medicine
    Mayne Professor of Psychiatry
    Medical School
    Faculty of Medicine
  • Principal Research Fellow
    UQ Centre for Clinical Research
    Faculty of Medicine
  • Director, Healthy Ageing Initiative
    Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
    School of Psychology
    Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences
Funded by:
Royal Brisbane & Women's Hospital Foundation