Improving zoo/aquarium conservation learning outcomes: a values approach (2016–2022)

Zoos and aquariums claim their education programs are effective in reaching and educating the public on conservation issues, yet research shows their success in influencing visitors¿ environmental behaviour is limited. This project aims to investigate the influence of zoo/aquarium visitors¿ values or broad life goals on their environmental learning outcomes; develop values-based conservation education strategies; and measure the impact of these on visitors¿ adoption of conservation actions. The project will develop guidelines for replacing the current `one size fits all¿ conservation messages with tailored experiences that attract, engage and influence those for whom environmental care and protection are not necessarily of central concern.
Grant type:
ARC Linkage Projects
  • Principal Research Fellow
    School of Business
    Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
  • Tourism Discipline Leader
    School of Business
    Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
    Associate Professor
    School of Business
    Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
    of UQ Business School
    School of Business
    Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
Funded by:
Australian Research Council