Matchings in Combinatorial Structures (ARC Discovery Project administered by Monash University) (2015–2019)

The theory of matching in graphs concerns the problem of pairing up objects, subject to constraints on which objects may be paired. It is a well developed theory that is not only of tremendous mathematical importance, but is also widely applied to efficiently deal with allocation and scheduling problems. Much less in known, however, about the equally important but harder problem of dividing objects into collections of three or more. This project will address this deficiency by developing the theory of matching in important combinatorial objects. The problems it will solve are of great significance in their own right, and when considered together will help to lay a foundation for a more general theory of matching.
Grant type:
Monash University
  • Professor
    School of Mathematics and Physics
    Faculty of Science
    School of Mathematics and Physics
    Faculty of Science
Funded by:
Monash University