Bio-inspired conducting peptide nanowires for bioelectronic applications (2015–2018)

Some bacteria possess a natural conductive tail constructed from proteins (called a nanowire) that has metal-like conductivity. The electrical signals in these nanowires are carried through aromatic groups in the peptides and/or attached cytochromes. This proposal addresses the design and assembly of conducting peptide-based fibrils inspired by these nanowires. We have already shown that peptides can, by design, selfassemble into long thermostable fibrils that support cell growth and development. Our goal is now to create cost-effective, non-toxic, conducting peptide fibrils that can be used in water or physiological environments for bioelectronics applications.
Grant type:
ARC Discovery Projects
  • Senior Research Fellow
    Australian Centre for Water and Environmental Biotechnology
    Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
  • Professor
    School of Chemical Engineering
    Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology
Funded by:
Australian Research Council