Biogeochemistry of ferruginous duricrusts (2015–2020)

The proposal is focussed on the examination and application of microbial iron cycling in the formation of geologically stable, iron duricrusts in tropical regimes; the aim, is to develop a site-scale bioremediation strategy for iron ore mines by re-establishing canga, which are 'ancient' distinct ecosystems possessing unique plant species rarely found on Earth. This university-industry collaboration will produce economic benefits for the world's iron mining industry through advanced training in mining-related research, and through the completion of the mining life cycle by site remediation, enhancing Australia's position as a global leader in providing innovative solutions to today's mining challenges.
Grant type:
ARC Linkage Projects
  • Professor
    School of the Environment
    Faculty of Science
    School of the Environment
    Faculty of Science
    W.H. Bryan Mining and Geology Research Centre
    Sustainable Minerals Institute
  • Professor
    School of the Environment
    Faculty of Science
    School of the Environment
    Faculty of Science
Funded by:
Australian Research Council