A novel magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique to characterise white matter microstructure in the brain (2014–2016)

Integrity of the cellular architecture of brain white matter (WM) is vital to normal signal conduction and is disrupted in diseases such as multiple sclerosis. Due to their characteristic molecular arrangements, WM microstructures have distinct magnetic susceptibility characteristics that can be detected with high-field and ultra high-field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Our objective is to develop and validate a novel method of mapping susceptibility effects at high (sub-voxel) resolution with MRI. Outcomes will be a more comprehensive understanding of the relationship between changes in MRI signal and WM microarchitecture and improved susceptibility mapping that may lead to earlier diagnosis and more effective therapeutic monitoring.
Grant type:
ARC Discovery Projects
  • Principal Research Fellow
    Centre for Advanced Imaging
    Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology
Funded by:
Australian Research Council