Self-regulation in very low birthweight/very preterm 2 and 4 year olds: A comparison study. (2007–2009)

The number of children who are being born prematurely is increasing in Australia, as is the proportion of these children who are surviving, with the biggest increase in survival rates occurring in those who have extremely low birth weights (ELBW). Between 50 and 70% of these children experience academic problems. This project aims to investigate self-regulatory behaviours (i.e planning, organization and delay of gratification) in ELBW children as difficulties in these areas may contribute to subsequent learning problems. The project will also investigate the individual and environmental (socioeconomic and parental) variables that contribute to or protect against these difficulties in children, with the aim of informing early interventions.'',
Grant type:
ARC Linkage Projects
  • Adjunct Associate Professor
    School of Education
    Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Funded by:
Australian Research Council