LINKAGE INTERNATIONAL FELLOWSHIP -- Developing a competitive H2 production system based on engineered cells of green algae (2007)

The aim of this project is to develop a competitive H2 production system, based on engineered cells of green algae. These cells have the natural ability to drive solar-powered hydrogen (H2) production from water (H2O). Combustion of H2 produces only H2O, completing the clean energy cycle. This project will integrate advances based on 5 parallel research streams being conducted in our laboratories, with the specific aim of developing a single system, with enhanced H2 production capabilities. This research program will incorporate improvements to enhance photon conversion efficiency, H+ and e- supply to the active hydrogenase, external feeding and will facilitate scale up to a 100l pilot study using an immobilized algal bioreactor system.
Grant type:
ARC Linkage International
  • Professorial Research Fellow
    Institute for Molecular Bioscience
    Professorial Research Fellow
    Institute for Molecular Bioscience
    Affiliate Professor of School of Ch
    School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences
    Faculty of Science
Funded by:
Australian Research Council