Does The Origin Of Helicoverpa punctigera Populations Explain Their Susceptibility To Agricultural Insecticides? (2006–2008)

Helicoverpa species are significant pests of field and horticultural crops in Australia. Despite their sympatric distribution H. punctigera is more susceptible to agricultural insecticides, while H. armigera has resistance to many. We test the hypothesis that H. punctigera breed during winter in non-insecticide sprayed (natively vegetated) areas and then migrate in spring to sprayed agricultural regions, and if so, is this time spent in native non-sprayed (non-selected) areas resulting in the dilution of insecticide resistance in comparison to the sister species H. armigera which persists year round in sprayed agricultural areas and develops frequent insecticide resistance?
Grant type:
ARC Discovery Projects
Funded by:
Australian Research Council